I hope your holidays were warm and wonderful! Soon we will be turning the calendar to another year...where did time fly?! I know where some of it went ;D blogging, lol.
I received a gift that I may incorporate on my blog. It was this book, I received the kindle version. I have not read much of it, but it is haunting, poetic and filled with grace. Have you heard of this book?
HERE you can go LOOK inside.
I am not going to go into my religious views, I think everyone has a right to believe the way they want. It isn't my place or style to preach. I only preach about thyroid disease. You can ask my family; it is a joke at our house. If anyone is sick and one doesn't know what it is...my family will say "must be your thyroid". It isn't funny, but I guess I have mentioned it a few times. It affects so many systems in our bodies,it is the master gland of the endocrine symphony. Don't worry I won't preach unless you ask. ;D
I haven't read all of the book, but what strikes me so far is a sentence about death. It basically shares my view of how a death can so profoundly affect one's life. This happened to me....it slowly sucked the life out of me, leaving a black hole. I functioned, but it always remained. No matter what, it has altered my view, my world. As I was trying to be an adult and find my way, it tossed me off course and so have so have a few other things. Being a military spouse, not living in one place long enough to truly have a career, and develop my own voice, etc.
I don't want pity, I guess I just want to explain why this book, so far has struck a chord with me. The author finds a way to look for grace, she uses another word called Eucharisteo, the Greek word for grace. Charis means joy. She sees this word as holy joy. She begins a list of eucharisteo and it transforms her life. A list of a 1000 things one loves, to name one thousand blessings or gifts. A list of gifts that one already has. The author's name is Ann; her name means full of grace. She explains how she is so not. My name Ellen means shining light. Then it strikes me, how my blog has changed me. I see more good in the world, I am finding my voice, I feel lucky to still be here to see my children grow up. Look up your name and see what it means. I am considering taking a 1000 photos of gifts, I already have started. Photography is about chasing the light and getting others to see things in different ways, I know that sounds poetic. So I thought I would use visual poetry in regards to my list. I can't take photos of all of you or I would! Thanks for following me and listening to my voice. My world is brighter, filled with more light because of all of you! I haven't made any time line on my 1000 photos, but I did start today.
Photo #1
This was a gift from my friend Vicki. I received it, before I began the book. The gift of friendship is what is symbolizes to me. How we hope when we share ourselves we are well received!
If you get a chance stop by the Imaginary Garden. I did my first interview of poet Mary Kling~
I received a gift that I may incorporate on my blog. It was this book, I received the kindle version. I have not read much of it, but it is haunting, poetic and filled with grace. Have you heard of this book?
HERE you can go LOOK inside.
I haven't read all of the book, but what strikes me so far is a sentence about death. It basically shares my view of how a death can so profoundly affect one's life. This happened to me....it slowly sucked the life out of me, leaving a black hole. I functioned, but it always remained. No matter what, it has altered my view, my world. As I was trying to be an adult and find my way, it tossed me off course and so have so have a few other things. Being a military spouse, not living in one place long enough to truly have a career, and develop my own voice, etc.
I don't want pity, I guess I just want to explain why this book, so far has struck a chord with me. The author finds a way to look for grace, she uses another word called Eucharisteo, the Greek word for grace. Charis means joy. She sees this word as holy joy. She begins a list of eucharisteo and it transforms her life. A list of a 1000 things one loves, to name one thousand blessings or gifts. A list of gifts that one already has. The author's name is Ann; her name means full of grace. She explains how she is so not. My name Ellen means shining light. Then it strikes me, how my blog has changed me. I see more good in the world, I am finding my voice, I feel lucky to still be here to see my children grow up. Look up your name and see what it means. I am considering taking a 1000 photos of gifts, I already have started. Photography is about chasing the light and getting others to see things in different ways, I know that sounds poetic. So I thought I would use visual poetry in regards to my list. I can't take photos of all of you or I would! Thanks for following me and listening to my voice. My world is brighter, filled with more light because of all of you! I haven't made any time line on my 1000 photos, but I did start today.
Photo #1
This was a gift from my friend Vicki. I received it, before I began the book. The gift of friendship is what is symbolizes to me. How we hope when we share ourselves we are well received!
If you get a chance stop by the Imaginary Garden. I did my first interview of poet Mary Kling~
Hugs and kisses for you in these cold festive days!
is in the side-bar on my blog. She truly is a gifted writer and has taught me a little more about really living in the moment!
I have been trying to decide what I would like to do as a sort of 'journal' to really seeing the present...a gift or a thousand gifts! Your photo idea is wonderful and will make a beautiful personal legacy!
Happy New Year. I need to do some of my beautiful laundry and clean up some dirt made by beautiful children...;)then I will thank God that I have choices when it comes to deciding lunch.
When thinking about it, I realized I could probably take almost that many photos out of my files already. Many people, places and things I value and consider gifts are already right here at my fingertips.
My name means "pure" but the interesting thing was a list of names "similar to the name Kay" and one of them was "Ella"! I like that!
Happy New Year!
xo, abby
My wife suffered with thyroid issues and I hope anyone so afflicted gets the care they need.
Have a great New Year!
Georgie-Oh, good I'm not the only one. I have unofficially diagnosed a lot of people. I think there will be more, sadly. The thyroid doesn't like soy and it is in everything!
I'll be by; I know you probably have some great photos to share ;D Happy New Year~
Stefanie-I think the premise of viewing things in a different light is always good! I need to read it, too! Happy New Year~
Wanda-I know you would love it~
Maybe you will start a list on your blog ;D I'm going to try photos! Happy New Year!
rch-Thank you; I hope you wife is doing well~ I hope you and yours have a Happy New Year! :D
Abby-Happy New Year, it has been an interesting year! You really reached your goal! Congrats~
Happy New Year! Cheers to friendship~ xo
OT-Thank you so much for dropping by~ I am experimenting with photos, so why not ;D Thank you, I think it will be an intriguing challenge! Happy New Year~
Amanda-Thank you; I love your name and its wonderful meaning! I hope for good things with your art this year! You are talented, keep at it~
It was fun finding you on Crescendoh and getting to know you~
Happy New Year! Yes, I think you are right~
Kay-I love the meaning and your name! I love you have your gifts at your fingertips, so beautiful~
I take a lot of photos, it is just finding the ones that I want to share. The ones that whisper a message to everyone. This is the trick I like that too! Kay Ella or Ella Kay ;D
Janet-Your name is so beautiful!
Wow, you should post on her blog sometimes, who knows you might meet?! Yes, a journal would be creative and a great way to reflect...I love it! Do it, it will be a gift to you and others~
Happy New Year, hope the beautiful laundry is done ;D lol
Dezzy-I loved your hat on FB! I bet you changed it... I must go look again! You are so sweet and such a great host~
Happy New Year to you! I can't wait to read what the spy will share with us next ;D Congrats on your latest goal; well done!!!!