You know what that means. Another chance to post about the IWSG, formed by Alex Cavanaugh. IWSG stands for Insecure Writer's Support Group. I'm not an expert on insecure, but I think we all have something to share. It seems to me, when we decide to share, we learn and we help others. Right?!
Yesterday the H word was used describing me. No, not that one, hoarder. I said to this person, who said another person agreed with him. "Oh, because so n' so agrees, it must be true!" (No)
Yesterday the H word was used describing me. No, not that one, hoarder. I said to this person, who said another person agreed with him. "Oh, because so n' so agrees, it must be true!" (No)
(hôrd, h

A hidden fund or supply stored for
future use; a cache.
hoard·ed, hoard·ing, hoards
To gather or accumulate a hoard.
1. To accumulate a hoard of.
2. To keep hidden or private.
I am not a hoarder, like you see on TV, but I do keep supplies tucked away. Some people in my house might call this person arrogant. Does that mean they are arrogant?(Maybe) If someone says you are dumb, are we suppose to believe it? (NO!!!!!)
Now let's look at the word writer:
a person engaged in writing
books, articles, stories, etc., especially
as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist.
a clerk, scribe,
or the like.
a person who commits his or her thoughts, ideas, etc., to writing:
an expert letter writer.
(in a piece of writing) the author
(used as a circumlocution for “I,” “me,” “my,” etc.): The writer
wishes to
You are a writer, see #3 and #5, if in doubt. So if anyone tries to tell you, you aren't....just ask them a question in return and walk away(okay maybe you'll need to run).
Also LOVE the flower and the Gibran quote!!
As for writing, if you write you are simple!
Loved the post.
Any who, I think that most of us who enjoy the art of word for whatever that stands for is not a manifestation of insecurity but one that shows that 'we have something to say'.
Our love of writint and/or the arts is a self expression therefore a way of say 'we are proud of some characteristic o ourselves'.
love this piece
Nene-Yes, that is fine, El is fine, too. I have many names ;D Ellen, Ella, El, L, Ellien, Turbo and Lucy, lol
I love your take on it! Thank you so much for sharing! L@@King inside is what counts! ;D
Michelle-Thank you! I know, it is new to me, too. I discovered it a few months ago. I think it is amazing :D
Wanda-Yes, you are so right. It is when we decide to believe it, it becomes an issue! Thanks Wanda for your wisdom!:D Took a photo of my rose a couple of days ago~
Carrie-I guess, one has to gather and one has to toss, part of the nesting syndrome?! lol I see potential in so many things :D
Kerry-What about poems and books?
I'm curious ;D I think we all have the potential to gather, I guess it depends... I do toss, but not potential gems, lol I am glad you balance each other out!
Yvonne-Thank you! I agree, we do have to put ourselves first, some times ;D
Anna-Yes, I think you can! ooh, that is scary! My house is fine except for craft space. I need shelves and organization tools. When I purchase them, hubby doesn't like them and says he will make something. I am doing my own thang!
Alex-Thank you! I'm excited you are working on your third book~
Congrats on your journey :D
Johanna-Oooh, I think little ones love to collect. My son collected rocks and my daughter collected, so it seemed Barbie shoes. Now she wants the real thing and son he wants pc games he can gather, lol
I bet if you get them collecting it will take the edge off ;D
Have fun!
Hart-We are married to the same man, lol ;D Okay, maybe they are brothers, tee,hee
Yes, that is me, too. I think moving and having to buy the same things over again, threw me over the edge. Thank you Hart! I'm excited for you!
Cheryl-Thank you! I love that quote, too :D
Bossy Betty-Aah, so well said! I love your words~ Thank you for summing it all up :D
I can't run anymore.. I'd best not ask the question. I myself tend to think anyone who puts pen to paper is a writer. Whatever the standard of writing is, they are still a writer.
Well said, you hoarder, you :)
Artists have lots of supplies. That does not a hoarder make.
MPzx-I so agree. It was like a general census had been taken, by two and it was confirmed! lol
Bren-Lol, Thank you ;D tee,hee
I agree with you so much about defining yourself. Sometimes it's hard to think of myself as a writer, especially when my poems don't get published, but I just keep telling myself "pearls before swine!" Ha!
Scarlett-You are cute! I'm not a hoarder, but I do tend to gather perhaps a few too many out of the recycle bin. I need to stop gathering and creating! :D Thanks for sharing. Yes, I think it helps us cope to write things down!