Fortunate Visit

Eye knew you would come by..........he can see the future

Madame Ella had a visitor tonight, it is almost the bewitching hour, when her doorbell
rang. A woman, wanted her tea leaves and tarot cards read. A deck of tarot was found in Milan,
Italy in the 1400s, but most decks were of French design. Eights symbolize good luck, twos are
decisions. Lady Ga Ga had heard about me and came by; I was thrilled to see this artist. Her
tea leaves, symbolized a hat, meaning improvement a new job. She nodded, a movie perhaps
was in the works.

Next we did a small fortune set to share with you; she asked a question, we later did the long
form of the past n' the future. She found the reading fascinating, and so did I.
She has over come a cunning relationship with a greedy man, she has worked hard for her
fame and she is going to travel, i know but the 8 of wands, says that. She has a young
man, counting on her. The Lovers card appeared and looked like a great relationship was to come and the World is her outcome to her question. This card brings victory and all good things with it. The world is her oyster! She shuffled; i read.
We were going to do a jewel reading, but she decided to have more tea .
I tried to get her to have an extract of eye of newt, she didn't seem interested, even thought i told her it would help develop her psychic ability.

Lady Ga Ga left satisfied that the future was wonderful with one mystical element. She said,
she'd be back. I told her, anytime and to keep her eyes open, there is a dark man from the past
that will appear soon. She assured me....she would.


Chrisy said…
oooh yum eye of newt my fav! Thanks for your hospitality...swing your broom over to my place for some more treats if you haven't already flown by!
Marlene said… did an awesome job....I love it love it love it...bravo...have a haunting good night! I haven't made all my rounds yet the broom ran out of fuel...looking for a station that sells soaring high test, this broom gets a lot for the air mileage....Marlene
Hi Ellie! You throw a Spookfabulous party! Loved your photos & words! You were so lucky to have Lady Ga Ga come and join the fun! lol Thanks for coming to my party! Have a great Friday!

Lisa :)