I made this out of a whisk from Dollar Tree using my daughter's n' mine favorite reading book.
She is 13 now, and I have 2 copies. I used the one i found at a yard sale. I bent the whisk
beaters back and cut petals out of the pages, and glued them on...you can wrap the base with ribbons or leave plain. The middle is a piece of wallpaper and an old earring or i used a tiny framed pic of my daughter.
mother had passed them down to me, along with some clear red ones. I am suppose to be unpacking and moving in, ......the creative urge struck and i stopped. I gathered the cookie cutters and found some fishing line. I was sort of moved in...i had the dishes, towels unpacked,
the basic, it was the last 10 boxes, of where am i going to put this, type of stuff. I found a potato masher and thought that would make a great base(yes, i had to go buy another one :D ) then
the mini whisk and the metal teaspoons..i knew i had to combine them all. I loved how it turned out, making something out of what i had, but now, a new creation.
I grew up in a Green home, but didn't realize it at the time. I know when i go home, Mom still has tons of glass jars down in the cellar, for making jam or pickles. She saves all her berry baskets, because they might come in handy and uses tea towels, instead of paper towel to wash n' wipe her produce. There is
a whole lot more........all good ideas, i might add. Be thoughtful when you go thru your stuff,
donate or pass along to a friend, or try to give it a Rebirth into something new.