Today, I had an art date with me, myself and I and my daughter. She is an honor student and
I allow her, 1 day to take a frazzled day off. We needed to recharge our batteries; seems like
we have had a lot of colds, allergies and flu threats going around. I was going through some boxes
and found a book, called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I have glanced at this before...but at the time we were moving and there was too much going on to settle into the mindset of exercises to free my artist. I have moved 17x in 25yrs...lots of sorting, packing, unpacking, shoving and tucking things here and there.
This time I plan to commit to the exercises in this book. You need to write in the morning get the cobwebs out and then there are art dates. Today was the day...
I have been doing the morning pages, yesterday, I wrote about feeling like a magician. I need to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Lately, I am struggling, no place to do the crafting, i want to do. The support is wavering, sometimes fine, sometimes what are you doing? Then the self doubt moves in . I'm moving onward; my inner voice, is begging me, too.
Whenever I haven't listened to her, ( my intuition), it hasn't gone well.
A bad car accident one time, another, trying to cross an island causeway, when the tide was coming. We tried to hike around an island ; I had read the newspaper and the time of the high tide...well, it came in faster then we expected. This wasn't my idea and I didn't want to go..I should of listened to my inner voice.
So, here are a few pics, I really wanted to go a few more places, but ran out of time. Next time
I'm going to this shop it has a home feel vibe, lots of felting items and this old desk has
tiny draws, with wonderful scented candles inside and the owner makes homemade lemon poppy seed soap. Then there is new chocolate shop, with a showcase of delectable gems, regular and sugar free. I love English toffee; I know someone was disappointed, we didn't make it there.
It was really cold and it started to rain, so we finished off our art date with a cappuccino and hot chocolate with whip creme. It was just what the intuitive Dr ordered!
My daughter didn't miss the whole day; she had
an appointment midday. It was to late to return to school, by the time we got out of the office. We had fun taking photos; we also went to the library.
You need an art date once in awhile, even if it is on a Saturday. Thanks Jenny (((hugs)))
I homeschooled both my girls so we had lots of days.
I do Morning Pages! They are absolutely wonderful. The days I take the time to write are so much calmer, better, more creative, or something. I'm not so good about the art dates. Funny, tonight I was going to go to an art gallery at the school where I work as an art date and I talked myself out of it!
I am happy to hear, that you had those days when needed. I don't know where I heard this, perhaps on the radio. A man called in and said, he saved his sick days for mental health days. He
said, it prevented him from getting sick.
I'm happy to hear the Morning Pages, helped you; it is all new for me. I think it is
wonderful you work at the school. This is why you didn't art date where you work, it doesn't count. You need to come up with something unique outside of your work area. I find walking around town and taking pictures inspires me. Maybe your art date could be just cutting up mags or doing an art journal. Make a date with yourself and do something artistic! Thanks for stopping by!
It was fun; I haven's seen her pics, yet. We
were busy with the cultural fair at her school, last night. It went well...