arrows of love..., heart break, and matters of taking care of your (muscle) the heart. Love can be personal and private or
in your face. People, sometimes, shout off the roof top or jump on Oprah's couch. Love can affect all your senses. Do you do what you love for a living? Do you have a special bond with a significant other, a child, friend(s)? and/or a favorite pet? "What the world needs now is love sweet love"...
"All you need is love", Love songs "I love you just the way you are"...
Your heart sings...if not there are plenty of love songs to remind us.
On the TODAY SHOW, Mrs. Obama said they discuss with their girls at dinner, the best and worst moments of their day, (the roses and the thorns).
Something good and something bad. I thought this was interesting! I try with my daughter, before bed, to discuss the best thing that happened to her, that day. I like the idea of her focusing
on a positive memory before counting sheep. I do think we do need to vent about the bad, just need to keep it brief. I think sometimes if we don't, it eats at needs to be released and let go. Heartache is also a focus this month; so is the Go Red campaign. Heart disease awareness for women; a great month to get this message out there. No matter, what side you stand matters of the heart. Heartache, heartbreak, or your heart is joyful. Remember Listen to heart, take the time to tune into what you need. If no one gives you a special Valentine; this year, give one to yourself. Love yourself, others will follow!
(photo courtesy of Jackson n' Perkins catalog)
Thanks for reminding me of that; I definitely have thrown my family a few curve balls. It has made our bond stronger and we take less for greater. I don't think there is a day that goes by, where we don't tell our family, we love them, no matter what!