ordered supplies, so far, all i am using is a mechanical pencil...so shading is difficult. It is a work in progress. I can't wait to add color, but you know that from my
previous post. I am on a color kick. I do think black n' white and the scale that blurs to gray is soulful. It is like black n' white
photography to me. You see it for what it is, no room for distraction.
I have taken my pics of my kids, this way, there is a mood with this medium, color can sometimes distract the eye and lose the mood, the heart of the photo.
Color filters the image, pulls your vision up, over or down. Black n' white draws you to faces, clues of action or lack there of.
Scaling back, sketching and shading, all need to bring out dimension, distract and allow the eye to dance over the image.
I'm learning how to make eyes dance. I just need to find the right music, so the eyes will be pleased when the song ends.
an online class and I am inspired and awed by the talent. I seem to have an internal battle inside lately. My yin and yang are fighting, lol. I am taking a class called Goddess n' Poet; Suzi Blu is the artist. There is so much support over there and even after the class ends, you remain part of the blog and comments over there. I was hesitate, but now I'm glad I did. Thank-you!
If you do sign on, let me know! It brings out a playful side of art, you can watch free
vids, if you are curious.
Yes, I got my supplies today; I had to run to Dr, yesterday was ortho for my daughter. I just opened the box, from Dick Blick...I am
anxious, but now, is not time. Time to
get dinner/supper. I am hopeful this evening, I can play...how is it going for you?! I
think color will be fun, but also not as easy.
Time will tell~ This wasn't easy, either, but I just think shadows n' highlights, will be difficult to stop. I will probably over or under sketch it.