I started the day, making blueberry muffins; Yes, they are freshly dusted with flour...snowed is what my kids call it. I felt, as the day, progressed, my plans turned into the snowball that rolled down the hill. Oh, yes the muffins came out yummy.
(a favorite on a snow day)
I like my muffins, blue, with more nutmeg, then cinnamon and a splash of vanilla extract.
The past couple of days, I have been making items for a challenge. I have wanted to submit items for years, but moving or something distracted me. Mainly lack of courage was my biggest excuse.
This time, even though the doubt fairy sat on my shoulder, I brushed her off and continued onward. Everything was organized in my mind, but quickly became, like the snowball that ran downhill. I couldn't find some items I had tucked away. My sewing machine had a few glitches, lost a few items...piles of paper, ribbon, paint in a corner, chaos in-sued. My plan didn't work, had to refab another idea. Tag all my items, print out directions of how I made things and then the fun of wrapping it uniquely and finding just the right box. Foam peanuts soon were dumped in another pile, as the ball continue to roll, bigger and bigger(mess). The doubt fairy continued to nag me, so did the dog, begging for his walk and my daughter started asking, "When are we going to go shopping?". I thought, it would be easier to quit, give it up...but NO, I couldn't too much time, energy and dreams invested. So here is my snowball(s). I always think snow is magical, the memories it evokes, my childhood growing up in New England, making homemade ice cream. We used rock salt n' snow, instead of crushing ice.
Snow reminds me of muffins, magic, and memories in the making. Hoping that my snowball will be more than a day of chaos, but perhaps published. A tiny sign, I am going in the right direction....if not, I will try, try, again....(I hope you will, too)

a peek at my snowballs
It has been so hot n' humid here this week. It seems late summer in the south is so hot and dangerous, we call it Blizzard weather. We are inside more!
(a favorite on a snow day)
I like my muffins, blue, with more nutmeg, then cinnamon and a splash of vanilla extract.
The past couple of days, I have been making items for a challenge. I have wanted to submit items for years, but moving or something distracted me. Mainly lack of courage was my biggest excuse.
This time, even though the doubt fairy sat on my shoulder, I brushed her off and continued onward. Everything was organized in my mind, but quickly became, like the snowball that ran downhill. I couldn't find some items I had tucked away. My sewing machine had a few glitches, lost a few items...piles of paper, ribbon, paint in a corner, chaos in-sued. My plan didn't work, had to refab another idea. Tag all my items, print out directions of how I made things and then the fun of wrapping it uniquely and finding just the right box. Foam peanuts soon were dumped in another pile, as the ball continue to roll, bigger and bigger(mess). The doubt fairy continued to nag me, so did the dog, begging for his walk and my daughter started asking, "When are we going to go shopping?". I thought, it would be easier to quit, give it up...but NO, I couldn't too much time, energy and dreams invested. So here is my snowball(s). I always think snow is magical, the memories it evokes, my childhood growing up in New England, making homemade ice cream. We used rock salt n' snow, instead of crushing ice.
Snow reminds me of muffins, magic, and memories in the making. Hoping that my snowball will be more than a day of chaos, but perhaps published. A tiny sign, I am going in the right direction....if not, I will try, try, again....(I hope you will, too)
a peek at my snowballs
It has been so hot n' humid here this week. It seems late summer in the south is so hot and dangerous, we call it Blizzard weather. We are inside more!
I'm a huge fan of blueberry muffins - Yum!
Have a lovely day.
The snow references were most welcome, too, as we're choking here on heat, humidity and the smoke of countless wild fires. I so enjoy your comments on my blog. I have yet to see hearts in flowers...but I'm thinking it may be the next thing the Universe reveals to me...
i want to bite my screen!!!!
Tossing It Out
Bud-You are funny; I love blueberries. I am from the blueberry state; August is when everyone is picking or purchasing them. We made a lot of blueberry cake, muffins and pancakes! mmmmh!
Sherry-Thank you so much! You should treat yourself and make some. Sherry blue indulge :-D
Dez-I did post the pancake recipe on 7/26; Go back and look at the "Making Memories" post.
I will post this one, too...it is easy! Funny we went home last summer, to Maine, my husband said my muffins were better there. I added more sugar to my recipe ;-D I usually lower the sugar, since I can't indulge often. I made the original recipe. My family said, they were the best. I'll share the original and my modifications.
Hi Rachel-Thank you; it is nice of you to visit!
Lynette-Sorry to hear the doubt fairy has been visiting you to long! Funny, I didn't have the motivation fairy on the other shoulder. It makes me think of the cartoons, with the angel n' devil on each shoulder giving their spiel. Try to gentle do something you love and don't let the doubt fairy get you down! I hope you make muffins; It is a quick n' easy way to enjoy blueberry season! I hope n' pray the fires stop! I will go look n' see if I can find one of my heart flower pics. It was a gerbera daisy and a hydrangea. It is lovely, cosmic way to enjoy your nature outings!
Pixie-I am sorry to hear you, too have had the doubt fairy linger too long! I think we need to take small steps, our confidence with grow and then gradually move on. You aren't the cowardly lion...but if you love the Wizard of Oz, I know an artsy challenge you could join. It involves 6 tags...check it out here:
http://karlascottage.typepad.com/karlascottage/2010/08/dorothy-.html I did the Alice one; it was fun! I am considering it, but right now we have company. I haven't made up my mind. It is fun, you put your pics on flickr and share. People comment and no one knows you! It is a great way to start...I can travel the yellow brick road with you; if you want!
Alex-Okay, two muffins, some funnel cake pancakes and I can make these great breakfast cookies(think trail mix marries an oatmeal cookie) all for a CassaStar T-shirt ;-D
Yvonne-Thanks; They were gone by mid day! ;-D
I will visit you soon~
Ciss B-Yes, the weather was a bit cooler, so I figured why not. My husband was headed out of town and craving muffins, so I made' em! Muffins at least do not keep the oven on long...
Hi Chary-Thanks, I will share the recipe soon~
I know there is something about the aroma, they are quick to make, and stir up memories of childhood for me~
There is nothing like camping, blended with family memories, to capture summer's magic.
What is your favorite blueberry item to make?!
enJOY your Sweet pea; You stay cool, as well~
i have missed visiting you!!!
the blueberries are making my mouth water.....yum-eeeeeeeeee
big loves to you