SUZAN of Old Grey Mare, started this project, it happens the first day of every month. You sign up to link ,exchange ideas and share recycling tips. She has some amazing tips on her blog; You should check them out, not only green, but practical and will save you $ome green. Thank you, Suzan! It is a wonderful idea~
I use tea towels to wash n' wipe my produce. It saves a lot of paper towel, which saves you money and saves a few trees. (Thanks Mom)~ Yes, I went to the Farmer's Market, yesterday...which Sherry Blue Sky reminds us helps.
After you shower at my house, the water runs back down the pipes and there is about 2cups of water that runs off. I collect it and use it on my plants. It seems like such a small act, but it does save. I also collect the water left in glasses...usually I have two quarts of water for my window boxes. It all adds up...
After I make Iced tea, I save my tea bags. They are great for cold compresses for your puffy eyes or the tannin acid can help heal canker sores. I have seen these tips for years, so I don't know where credit is due. I let them cool and toss them in a mini ziplock bag, throw them in the fridge. Green tea used on your face can tighten pores. Natural Health magazine deserves, credit for this tip. You can also use tea bags, after making tea to dye silk flowers to give them a vintage look. You can pour your tea and add more hot water to the bags and reuse them for dye.
My daughter has a lot of friends; it seems like I'm always wrapping a gift. Sometimes we use old calendar pages, for wrapping paper. I have done this for years;It is an unique look. I add my tea dyed vintage looking flowers for a summery look. I cut onion bags up into strips, then stretch it; it makes a cool looking ribbon. I am known as the onion bag lady. I have used them to put gifts in and tied with ribbon for Christmas. I will show you when that time comes. My family on occasion will cut out produce bag hearts and mail them to me. I love it;~(I started doing this years ago; but not sure who to give credit to Mom?)
You can go check out the tips and meet some new friends. I think you might discover some money $aving tips and creative ways to reuse, recycle what you have. Help change your world...
I want to thank Sherry for pointing me in this direction! Thanxs~ Also here is a link to my other post, with many inspiring, upcycled ideas.
Thank you so much SUZAN, for doing this. Your awareness and passion will make changes. I have read some amazing posts and can see a shift in the way I think, even more than before.

Coffee grounds...Yes, you are right! I threw coffee beans in a terra cotta plant bottom, broke the pot. I then added vanilla candles; The scent was wonderful... I like your idea! Yes, spilling them would be bad unless you wanted to restain your floor. Yikes~
I love the Produce bag hearts idea. How sweet is that?
All you guys are so terrific with your ideas. I am a happy girl!
Thanks for the great post...
Imagination Lane
I came back to share a funny tea story. When we emigrated from Northern Ireland, we would include tea bags in the parcels we sent home for Christmas...loose tea was all we'd ever known. We had a great laugh when my Gran finally wrote back to say, thank you very much, but it's an awful lot of trouble to open all those silly wee bags to get at the tea!
Isn't that cute..still makes me smile after fifty years...
Lynette-Thanks so much for sharing your sweet story of your Gran; I love it! It is cute; I can see my Grammie struggle with something like that. Actually, I made her a fake cake once. I frosted sponges and she never forgot it. She tried n' tried to cut it. I told her, it isn't
the real cake. We had her fav, homemade hidden.
She finally laughed, but it took awhile...
Yes, I am known for my skills with produce bags...tee,hee. Thanks Lynette for stopping by~
SuZan-I'm happy;you're happy! It is a great projection to be part of! I really love the vibe. Thanks for doing this~
Great ideas!!!
So many of my 'green' ideas are simply what my parents (now 85) have done all along. :)
Wishing you a lovely day,
I love being green :) Do you have any good idea's for plastic containers? I hate just putting them in the recycle bin.
I loved the info, thanks :)
Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Thank you for sharing your ideas~
Sorry to be so long in stopping by! My husband is a teacher and off for two months in the summer and time is just wooshing (spelling?!) by. Your banner is new, isn't it? Wonderful photo of your grandparents! Looking forward to catching up with you in a few weeks.
Happy week to you,
You know you are right.. most of the eco saving things we do.. we learned as children from our mums!!! Your onion bag ideas are fabulous. can't wait to see more.. so glad you joined in this month!! xxx Julie
Thank you.
Project Genesis is giving me some great ideas! I was too late to link up, but I hope you'll drop by and read today's post if you get a moment.
Project Genesis II, next month, Sept. 1st...
I bet all of you have ideas of things you do...please join in!!! ;-D
Yes, those are my grandparents, Winona n' Clifford. Pixie great tips... Be by soon~
Tossing It Out