August seems to be a month to look for falling stars, better known as meteor showers. Perseid is suppose to give us a great view tonight, if we can stay up to see this amazing light show. I love watching the show, a glimpse into the heavenly, midnight blue sky.
I started thinking about my grandparents; Winona n' Clifford, they are in my blog banner.
My grandmother," Nannie Nonnie" is what I called her; We had an unique bond. We looked like sisters, at different ages. I have her olive complexion, her appreciation for details, her fondness of flowers, baking, music and nature. She had a twinkle in her eye and a passion for creating beauty. She was the first one to commission me, to do a painting for her. I was thirteen at the time; She paid me. I said, "No, It is a gift". She said, "You aren't an artist, til you have sold your work". Once a week, she would invite me to tea. Polished silver arranged with her odds n' ends of her best bone china was the back drop of this magical event. The time to educate me a bit more, dazzled in the brilliance of sugar cubes, silver spoons, pinkies up and her amazing sugar cookies. Her essence echoes within me, her ability to see the luster in the ordinary, and the love of the little things, the additions of her time, honored traditions. These facets added extraordinary gleam to my life.
My grandfather,I called him, "Papa" was a diamond in the rough. Moonlighting jobs and doing whatever to get by. Then he bought a gas station business, the Texaco. " You can trust your car to the man who wears the star", was their motto. He wasn't flashy, but he had class. He had been the leader and drummer of a band; They were the Guy Lombardos, of Maine. I loved him best, for his fantastical stories, he wove with magic. He could make music out of anything in reach and would at a moment's notice drum out a tune. He was enchanting.
Music, was the glue that brought my grandparents together. He met her at a dance; She knew how to play the piano Their sparkle together, gave birth to more family band members, my father and aunt. Dad played the guitar; my aunt the piano. My Dad wore a star by day and shone them, on the silver screen by night. He was a movie projectionist; His passion illuminated my childhood. We all can find poetry in our family tree, we just need to peer close, to see the star dust. Sometimes you only have to look in the mirror to see the reflection of their souls, winking at you. Your shine comes with following your destiny, your passion, and watching for glints of wonder,as the world spins by.
It amazed me this morning, when I found Yvonne, gave me this award. I am awe struck; You gave me goosebumps, the timing... This lady is a poet; A dazzling, brilliant star; She shares her clarity of feelings, in poems. She is amazing~ Thank you so much, I will be back to figure out nine blogs, to pass this onto.
I truly can't thank my followers, enough! You deserve stars today, too. I had 17 followers in April, never thought I would ever reach 100. I think of my Dad and the movies he ran and how movie stars were glamorous. Their brilliance was respected. Elegance, enchantment and extraordinary performances made them illuminate, to the general public. I think of all the grease paint, the behind the scenes, their moments of solitude that eluded us. We were not privy to that part of their mystique. This reminds me of my daughter; She is at this age of trying new styles, glamming it up. The make-up, hairstyles and fashion of the decades past. She wants a bedroom vanity. My daughter will wait a bit longer for her star making booth, perhaps Christmas. She wants to make this into a career, at this point in time. (She's fourteen)
Here is my give-a-way; CSN has generously offered, a $40 gift certificate, to one lucky star. Thank you for all your kind regards and comments! It is encouraging to see all of you, share so much of yourselves and make me smile, pause and wonder about the profound impact of words! I will try to be more actively involved, as a follower to you~
Thanks Yvonne for this wonderful Star; I will be passing on soon....
TO ENTER: make a comment, one point, become a follower 2 points, link me on your blog, 3points.
The drawing will be next Friday, August 20th.
Friday the 13th, has always been lucky for me...perhaps YOU will be the lucky winner~ CSN has over 200 stores to select an unique item from; Something for everyone!
Friday the 13th, has been lucky for me in the past; I hope you will take a chance; It's in the stars...
I want to Thank, Lee of Tossing it Out; somehow I found you and your A-Z challenge. Life has not been the same, since! I am I joined in on this happy event; It was a wonderful, unique experience! Lee is a man of many gifts: juggling, writing, and working on a musical! Amazing man with a real Zest for life~
Thank you all so much~
I started thinking about my grandparents; Winona n' Clifford, they are in my blog banner.
My grandfather,I called him, "Papa" was a diamond in the rough. Moonlighting jobs and doing whatever to get by. Then he bought a gas station business, the Texaco. " You can trust your car to the man who wears the star", was their motto. He wasn't flashy, but he had class. He had been the leader and drummer of a band; They were the Guy Lombardos, of Maine. I loved him best, for his fantastical stories, he wove with magic. He could make music out of anything in reach and would at a moment's notice drum out a tune. He was enchanting.
Music, was the glue that brought my grandparents together. He met her at a dance; She knew how to play the piano Their sparkle together, gave birth to more family band members, my father and aunt. Dad played the guitar; my aunt the piano. My Dad wore a star by day and shone them, on the silver screen by night. He was a movie projectionist; His passion illuminated my childhood. We all can find poetry in our family tree, we just need to peer close, to see the star dust. Sometimes you only have to look in the mirror to see the reflection of their souls, winking at you. Your shine comes with following your destiny, your passion, and watching for glints of wonder,as the world spins by.
It amazed me this morning, when I found Yvonne, gave me this award. I am awe struck; You gave me goosebumps, the timing... This lady is a poet; A dazzling, brilliant star; She shares her clarity of feelings, in poems. She is amazing~ Thank you so much, I will be back to figure out nine blogs, to pass this onto.
I truly can't thank my followers, enough! You deserve stars today, too. I had 17 followers in April, never thought I would ever reach 100. I think of my Dad and the movies he ran and how movie stars were glamorous. Their brilliance was respected. Elegance, enchantment and extraordinary performances made them illuminate, to the general public. I think of all the grease paint, the behind the scenes, their moments of solitude that eluded us. We were not privy to that part of their mystique. This reminds me of my daughter; She is at this age of trying new styles, glamming it up. The make-up, hairstyles and fashion of the decades past. She wants a bedroom vanity. My daughter will wait a bit longer for her star making booth, perhaps Christmas. She wants to make this into a career, at this point in time. (She's fourteen)
Here is my give-a-way; CSN has generously offered, a $40 gift certificate, to one lucky star. Thank you for all your kind regards and comments! It is encouraging to see all of you, share so much of yourselves and make me smile, pause and wonder about the profound impact of words! I will try to be more actively involved, as a follower to you~
Thanks Yvonne for this wonderful Star; I will be passing on soon....
TO ENTER: make a comment, one point, become a follower 2 points, link me on your blog, 3points.
The drawing will be next Friday, August 20th.
Friday the 13th, has always been lucky for me...perhaps YOU will be the lucky winner~ CSN has over 200 stores to select an unique item from; Something for everyone!
Friday the 13th, has been lucky for me in the past; I hope you will take a chance; It's in the stars...
I want to Thank, Lee of Tossing it Out; somehow I found you and your A-Z challenge. Life has not been the same, since! I am I joined in on this happy event; It was a wonderful, unique experience! Lee is a man of many gifts: juggling, writing, and working on a musical! Amazing man with a real Zest for life~
Thank you all so much~
Congrats on the award. Both Yvonne and Lee are wonderful. I'm sorry I missed his challenge :(
Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Well congratulations on your are a star indeed!!!
I just love your story about your grandparents... and that gorgeous banner photo... My grandparents died when I was quite young.. but my grandfather certainly left and indelible mark on me and passed on his love of adventure, the sea and art..,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.. and enjoy those falling stars!! We don't really get them here in the southern hemisphere... but I have been lucky enough to see them in my travels... xxx Julie
Enjoy your week-end.
I need no prize so pass it on...but I'm glad I found your blog! Blessings.
Tossing It Out
I found you through Lilla's blog and it is so nice to meet you; I love the photo of your grandparents in your banner, that is so sweet.
I am also a new follower and placing you badge in my sidebar.
Come visit me at All Things Wonderful,
i just adored hearing about your grandparents and how their love began and your darling nannie nonnie commissioning you for an art piece. the support she showed you at such a young age is amazing and it is how people accomplish their dreams. she showed her belief in you so beautifully.
and you my friend.....a BRIGHT star that we are all blessed to follow!!!
big hugs and loves to you and all those shooting stars out there!
Thanks again for sharing!
I'm so glad you entered the giveaway and I really appreciate you stopping by. Now here I am entering your giveaway! I am a now a follower, and am keeping my fingers crossed! Theresa
Your life sounds like I wish my family would have provided these types of embellishments...It all sounds so very lovely!
All the photos on my site are mine, other than the ones I state the source, only a few on the news items etc.........
that one in particular was actually SUNRISE over the inlet in Tofino just below my trailer. You can see why I miss it, every single thing every single moment was so stunningly beautiful I had to keep pinching myself. Did you read my Love Song to Clayoquot Sound? on site in July. I chose the sunrise one because the sky was the right color for the poem:)
thanks again for being such a faithful follower since almost the beginning! I appreciate you!
I loved all your comments and input; YOU truly
made me blush! My grandparents did provide an unique view! I was lucky to be part of their clan. I have been sick, but will return to make further comments. Sinus pressure knocked me down...had to go to Dr for relief.
Welcome new followers and Thank you to my regulars whose comments make me smile! YOU are the stars! xXx
Lee-I can't thank you enough for all the new followers, friends I have made! You provided a doorway to another world for me! Thank you so much~
Julie-I loved seeing your talent and you be featured on Crescendoh! Congrats~ Thank you for the movie recommendation! I can't wait to see it~
Ciss B-Wow cadence, huh... I think of riding bikes, I use to love the flow n' rhythm of the moment! YOU are to kind, but I love your words...I will be by soon. YOU always inspire!
Yvonne-Thank you; I am so behind on visiting. I will try hard to get caught up! I have missed you dear friend! I am happy you are still provide your star dust to us all! It is magic~
Wanda-Your words truly illuminate those who visit your blog! You always give moments to pause and reflect! You are a true star~
Julie-I am happy your grandfather instilled this magic in you! Thank you; I am happy to know you have seen the sky's magic and been able to travel. There is magic everywhere~
I have always wanted to visit your country!
I use to collect stuff koala bears, once upon a time... ;-D
Lisa-Your words were lovely; YOU really are great at it!!!
Jules-I am happy to hear, you life with grandmother is a party! I can see colorful, endearing images of magic being made! All grandparents should be made of magic and pass it on! Thanks for your wonderful words~
Alex-It was an amazing challenge we were part of! I have often thought of the magic we made as a Motley crew, sharing our views! I look forward to your shiny moment! ;-D
Sherry-I love those words "edge on dazzle"!
Yes, there was a lot of reflection in their lives. They had so many struggles, but always tried to see the good, remain true and steadfast! Please go through your pics and post some of your shiny, magic moments!