(PHOTOS are just some things that inspire me: words inspire me)
I found a book at the library, "The Nine Modern Day Muses" by Jill Badonsky. I will share some random thoughts. "When we feel something missing in our life, many times it is because we are not expressing that which we were born to do." The Muses say this book will help ;-D (clever) " They give the i's dots. Yes, the i's of every i-dea... they provide inspiration, intuition, innovation, ingenuity, intrigue, interesting, invaluable qualities of waxing authentic, extraordinary and other applicable i words that I may have forgotten like...maybe: incredible. They entice possibility." "Mortals must do what they are here to creatively do or they will become cranky". I think most can relate to this; When we are in the muse mood to create and our
vision is altered or time allowances aren't large enough, we, okay, I get cranky. I can't assume you do...
(Nature inspires me; The constant change and beauty surrounding us as we evolve)
"How come such a process of joy brings up so many fears? The answer could be because creativity is the ultimate growth process, fear is simply an affirmation that growth is happening". "...find what channel of expression is uniquely ours gives us a creative flow and flight, if we do not compare ourselves with what and how others have chosen to express themselves." " There is an audience for our art, no matter what form it takes." The book mentions about staying the course and listening to your heart and not allowing fear to misguide you(Detour you off your path).
There is talk about realigning your dreams, how it is like a cosmic, inspirational chiropractor came in and
gave you an adjustment.
Empowering necklaces can be found here; Becky Shander is the artist that makes these~
The Nine muses each have their own personality. One is in reference to Albert Einstein. He can be summoned when you want to expand joy, experience a new reality, and reawaken your imagination. There are some valid exercises to try, humor and quotes and references of other books. There are rituals to call on certain muses. Albert needs 3 yellow candles, a window, music, nightfall and a journal. There is a lot of rule breaking and some silliness n' giggles. Bea Silly muse likes to play and color.
You will find many quotes I will leave you with this one, "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakens" ~Carl Jung
Well, I'm off, I think I am going to call on Muse Marge. Marge tends to procrastinate and she needs to find a way to begin and not feel overwhelmed. I'll let you know how it works out. I know she suggests small baby steps and a meditative walk, to get you over the hurdle. She likes any colored candle and a journal to write the steps you need to take. Time to flex the creative muscle~
I'd love to hear what you do to lull your muse to converse with you!
You know I agree about when we feel something is missing in our life...I think I spent my entire life hoping to find that thing!! that made me feel me!! and as they always say... it was the thing one did in childhood!!!
I have a book that was given to me called 'The Artist's Way'... think I may dig it out of the garage and give it a go!!! Have a lovely week!!!! ciao xxx Julie
Good post-- huge pictures!
Tossing It Out
To live life to the fullest, Jung provides a fitting guide 'dream and then awaken'. It doesn't stop there, though. The mistake of many is they stop short of pursuing that dream.
The pics are fantastic!
Sorry to have been so absent, time just seems to be flying at an even faster pace than usual for me. ARGH! I will look forward to catching up with you here next week but I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!