Think Tank Thursday

Poets United prompt #22 is Magic!  Wow, now if I can pull a rabbit out of a hat:  Presto...

I am struggling with this one, so many directions to go in.  The first thought I had was when,( my daughter almost 8 at the time) had the Santa discussion. She had asked before and I had answered, but this time her questions were more probing.  I told her the truth, you know the fall out is coming. I had experienced it with our son. She was so angry, "You have ruined the magic in my life, I will never know magic, never experience it again". She was tormented; I hugged her and told her you will find magic again. It does exist. You will feel it when you have your first kiss, when you fall in love, when you marry, when you have a child of your own, when you succeed using your talents, when you volunteer, when you give for no reason, etc. We had this discussion recently, "Remember when you said, I ruined your magic", I teased her.  She smiles now, knowing it does exist, it is a journey of life and seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. 

In nine months magic appears, transforming me,
My world won't be the same,
My heart will  be outside me, learning to walk n' talk and run.
I will witness,relearn things, embrace childhood again,
Innocent eyes with thoughtful dandelion bouquets.
The  heart becomes bigger, re live joy of bubbles, crayons, balloons.
Parades, fireworks thundershowers have new meaning
 a life unfolds before me,
Life changing,  no one tells you how much
Magic exists in tiny dimpled hands, bath water and reading
"Goodnight Moon",
My heart will have feet that travels, while I am home,the heart will see,how your parents felt,
The heart now drives without me,on a
date, moves out of our nest and leaves me cuckoo
Embrace the magic, time will bronze it,
Patina reflects joy, 
Photos n' movies, glimpses of the glittery, shiny moments
The job is priceless, endless and it is an act worth repeating~

(These are my two acts:  Larry n' Angela, both hams; And I'm not cuckoo, yet)


Sherry Blue Sky said…
Ellie, what beautiful gorgeous happy children! They look like they had wonderfully rich childhoods. I remember when I found out about Santa. I was nine and it really upset me, too. I so relate to your poem where you say your heart now lives outside of you, go places while you stay home. I so know that feeling. One never stops being a mother. Beautiful beautiful post! I love it! I think your daughter has your eyes!
Anonymous said…
The magic of childhood, of discovery, of motherhood too - love the poem, especially:

My heart will be outside me, learning to walk n' talk and run.

Magic exists in tiny dimpled hands,

and so much more. Well done!
Lisa said…
I love how you've described part of motherhood as having a heart outside you, that's really lovely - and moving. I also like --> Parades, fireworks thundershowers have new meaning
a life unfolds before me...this part of mothering that is witnessing things again, through new eyes.

As far as Santa goes: hahaha! I noticed when I was close to five years old that Santa, who was amazing and even left us small notes with our names on them that he had the same printing as my mom! HAHAHA - however, I did spend the next four or so years trying to catch him/her in the act. I didn't :( So, who knows? ;-)

It's always nice to come here and see your pictures and writing, it's comfy here :)
I admire anyone who takes on the role of mother.
Jules said…
Though not a mother I do understand the painful/joyous journey they travel. Good work, my friend :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Anonymous said…
This is a beautiful post, genuine and just brimming with's something all we mothers can readily identify with! "My heart will be outside me" is the best description I've heard of becoming a mom..wonderful...:)

So glad you liked my pictures of's good to know you found it as remarkable as we did. There was magic going on the day God created that state, indeed!
Ella said…
Lynette-YOU are so right, it is magical! I felt calm and at peace when I rode through. We did stop and I took a ton of photos. I loved how the light reflected and changed the colors and mood!

Jules-I know you can relate! I saw a rainbow today and thought of YOU! xXx

Alex-You did give birth,to an amazing trilogy~
I can't wait, I did peek ;-D at my son's Christmas gift!

Lisa-Thank you; I did catch Santa playing with a train. I was 5, I still believe in the magic of the season~

Gospelwriter-Thank you;It was hard to write as a poem. It felt more like a story~

Sherry-My kids are realizing what their home life is and means. I think once you hit junior high or middle school; You see things differently. When I was at that age, I did more, visited different friends. The door of the world opened wider. Thank you! xXx
ah, your kids are so adorable! :)
Unknown said…
Hi Ellie :)
I really enjoyed reading this. It brought sweet memories back to me. Your babes are adorable too.
Thanks for the kindness and prayers on my blog. One of my friends is doing a little better today and was able to breathe on her own for the first time in a week. I'm thankful for you my friend.
Susan Houseman said…
Love the pictures and you made me smile with your words. My boys are seniors and I find myself thniking about when they were little. xxx susan
paperbird said…
So very beautiful- you have a gift for writing. My baby just turned thirteen she found out about Santa - two years ago- it broke my heart but there will be magic again!
ninotaziz said…
I am a mother of five, and one of most magical moments was when became a mother for the first time. But then the whole childhooh is magical, especially when we see through our childhood eyes again, so many years later.

Thank you Ellla or bringing this all back.
Your words captivated me also.
Your children are so lucky to have a mom, such as you with that magical touch!
The photographs are just so sweet.
Thank you for sharing your magical thoughts Ella.
Best wishes, Eileen :)
Unknown said…
how fun to see them young.. even if I have not seen them old.. I miss you.. sorry I have been MIA.. the dark early gets me depressed and tired every year. I think childhood can be magical... but I can see her feeling like that... I dread the day he finds out.. my friends son found out on the bus.. came home crying
flaubert said…
Lovely memories and what beautiful children.
Children are magical.
Unknown said…
This is a page where I could get drunk on your images! Funny, how a new computer makes for a whole new look at things.

Love the pictures too! Memories and children are two things that never grow old, and always make the daily mundane parts of life grand in my opinion. Your memories and poetic words bring back some of my own and I LOVE it!
Becky Shander said…
Yep, I agree...magic is everywhere. And there is much magic alongside love, especially when it comes to our kids.
Anonymous said…
Mothers are the best ... without you, we would all be wandering aimlessly.
Ella said…
Stephen-I am thankful for Dad's, too. He mad life fun, magical and inventive(No wormholes, but lots of movies to escape to.) Thank you~

Becky-Thank you; Children give you a 2nd chance to color, blow dandelions and laugh at Disney flicks, etc.

Ciss B-I love your choice of words, does have the winery vibe going. I am glad I gave you a moment to reflect(tis the season)! You are so kind~ Thank you!

Pamela-Thank you; They give us second sight and sometimes 3rd!

Lisa-I have moments, when the darkness arrives, to. It is a shifting of gears as we ready for the next season!(Sometimes the gears get stuck)
I hope you have a few more years; It is never easy, but grab his hand and let him participate in the magic, helping others see, the gifts of giving. We started the Angel tree that year. We had been doing Toys for Tots, but I wanted her to feel the magic. We even one year left presents on a few doors, we knew wouldn't have a lot, signed from Santa.

Eileen-Thank you; I tried to pass the wand, from my childhood to them. I hope they will also
see how magical it is to do for others.

Ninotaziz-Wow five, you have created and had a lot of magic! How wonderful~ Thank you!

Lorraine-My baby is 14; She believes again...
Giving is such a gift; We are doing volunteer work. She came home yesterday, saying how much she helped, how happy people were and how it made her feel. It is so sad, when they find out. Your daughter creates magic when she dances. I have seen her pose in the pictures with the cute doll you made! xXx

Susie-I know sometimes they get this expression on their faces that takes you back 10 yrs.+ It is a time of mixed emotions. Where did the time go? xXx

Jenny-I am glad I reminded you of good times with your babies! I am thankful for you~

Dezmond-Thank you, they are hams in front of a camera. I have a hard time getting decent photos now. Total goof balls,now~( I know where they get it from-My Dad it is genetic)