reverb: Healing

*photo:   Healing of the Blind Man by Brian Jekel
December 19 – Healing

What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?   author:  Leonie Allan

Writing, blogging and art healed me this year. Trying to have a positive attitude help change my focus. It isn't always easy, but I do feel people generally rather hear the good, then the bad and ugly. Everyone today needs to be inspired, even the World News tries to end their segment with a positive spin.  

How would you like to be healed in 2011?

I would like to be free of thyroid disease, but it won't happen.  It is autoimmune, my body attacked this organ, during my pregnancy. I had a healthy baby, but gave birth to a disease. When the thyroid is at a certain level, life is good, but when not it is a daily chore to function, brain fog, exhaustion , it feels like driving on fumes. There isn't enough gas in the tank. If you thrive on lots of caffeine and are exhausted, you may want to check out this site, for more info.  If healing could really happen, I wish the world would be rid of cancer.


Since I am blessed with good health, I will pray for your healing, Ella.
Ella said…
Alex-Thank you, I'm fine, 90% of the time, so I really can't complain. I appreciate it~ :-D
Anonymous said…
Oh my. That painting makes me cry. It makes me think of the intensity with which I've longed for healing recently. I've been praying for my baby boy's sight since he was born this last July with congenital cataracts. I feel as if his healing would fix everything else, that his healing would heal me. That's what I'm going to continue to pray for in 2011. Thanks for sharing this and I agree, trying to stick to the positive does help. Blessings!
Unknown said…
I have had psoriasis since I was in kindergarten. Most people have mild cases, I do not. I've been mostly covered and now it haunts my hands.

I am blessed with family that is beyond the best and they make me thankful to be around. Do they heal me? Everyday!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Wow, Ellie, profound post and the comments that follow are equally moving. Do you take synthroid for your thyroid? My thyroid stopped working but synthroid seems to do the trick, I have huge fatigue problems but that comes from the CFS. I feel for the young mom's baby bot who has eye disease, that is truly heartbreaking. Wow, people face great challenges in life, it inspires me how everyone deals with whatever it is they have to deal with. Great post.
uh, I hope your health problem will get better in 2011, Ella.
I myself would like to be healed by love in 2011 :)
Ella said…
Dezz-Healed by love, I really hope this happens for you! I recommend you look for it in different places, put yourself out there more. We don't usually find it in our daily routine. We have to go and do: Try something new ;-D
I think this will be your year!xXx

Sherry-You know I want more than I asked for, I would like to be cured of diabetes, my back, but thyroid would alter me the most. It is the
master gland of our bodies. Have you ever tried yoga, it can help. I am sorry you have CFS; I can't imagine how you do what you do! You are a remarkable woman! xXx

Ciss B-I can't imagine how mentally this has affected you! People are rude; I have a friend who has this, so I can imagine the stares. We all have something, some are visible, some aren't. I know a lot of people with good health, but they have some phobia or something from their past that haunts them. I am happy your family heals you, acceptance means so much.
My family is use to my weird rituals; I take insulin, prick my finger. When it is part of their world, they become accustomed to it! I am sorry for your pain~xXx

Scarlett-Bless you and your sweet boy! I hope n' pray your son is healed~ How much you have endured, the worry, I can't imagine!
You and your son are in my thoughts n'prays xXx
Anonymous said…
blessings, you deserve good health
and happiness in life.
Anonymous said…
Here is the end of the year awards 4 you, enjoy!

End of The Year Awards 4 Friends of Jingle or Jingle Poetry Community

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

At this time of the year, We wish you all the best !

Link up a poem to our potluck today, We send blessings all the way to brighten your day!
LTM said…
Love Santa and the fire truck! And I've experienced similar healings to yours! Prayers for your thyroid and for a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas~ :o)
Ella said…
Leigh-Thanks, he really did come to my house. We still laugh about it! I am happy to hear you have had similiar healing~xXx Merry Christmas

Jingle-Thank you, I will stop by and visit you~Merry Christmas