This is Leonardo da Vinci's description of a sunrise: "At the first hour of the day the atmosphere in the south near to the horizon has a dim haze of rose flushed clouds; toward the west it grows darker, and toward the east the damp vapor of the horizon shows brighter than the actual horizon itself, and the white of the houses in the east is scarcely to be discerned; while in the south, the farther distant they are the more they assume a dark rose flushed hue, and even more so in the west; and with the shadows it is the contrary, for these disappear before the white houses."

Shabby Apple has graciously offered this amazing GIVE AWAY! I am thrilled to pick this dress in the Roamin' Holiday Collection called Spanish Steps. (This contest is only eligible for U.S. residents). I love how this dress softens and blurs the lines. I think this dress would look amazing on all body types; I love the simply elegance of this look. It is an amazing work of art; your smile and accessories would elevate it's beauty. You have a chance to win, yes THIS dress. It reminds me of something Faith would wear in the movie "Only You" ,when Faith(Marisa Tomei) is fated to find Damon Bradley(Robert Downey Jr.). This dress possess this type of charm n' grace. If you are a follower you get 3 chances, just visiting 1 chance. Maybe fate will shine on you. Leave a comment and maybe your Trevi Fountain wish will come true. The chance to win ends April 6; I will announce the lucky winner on April 7th. This dress is a dream, that might come true~
Leonard studied the essence of things, he noted the details of the view, then blurred the lines. I think of Mona Lisa's smile; It amazes me, how he blurs the lines in this painting. Her half smirk and smile, the playful look in her eyes. I love how this dresses blurs the lines; It would look lovely on all body types. Shabby Apple offers women's dresses and little girl's dresses. They also carry accessories and jewelry. You can also find them on Facebook and can select the like us button on the creations you like. In April, use this code: ellasedge10off and you will receive 10% off. BUT WAIT....there's MORE...
I wanna win.
I wanna win.
I wanna win.
Happy spring, to you!
Sign me, of course I'm a follower. :)
Happy Friday!
i tried to comment here the other day and for some reason it wouldn't work- hopefully it will now.
looking forward to your A to Z
I love the dandelion picture you have here on your blog. Very pretty.