What do you imagine for yourself, do you see a best seller in your future, do you want to be featured on the cover of a magazine. I think it takes ingenuity,imagination and maybe some integrity, then maybe not.
I think of John Lennon and the lyrics in his song "Imagine": "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
How do you deal with your ideas? Do you write them down and use them later to jump start your ignition, do you let them idle, or do you ignore them? Some ideas can lead to an ideal life; shouldn't we be a bit more respectful of our imaginations. Do you respect yours? Do you listen to messages from your soul?!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
An Aunt once told me "you're nothing but a dreamer". She never realized I took it as a compliment. :-)
Sherry-No, not me, but I love the image and thought I would use it in my art work. It plays off the imaginary, we have as children and how we as adults still have it, but discount it or sweep it aside. I don't want to do this...finding it is happening too often. Thank you! I have little birds in my kitchen...all over poking out here n' there. Thank you, perhaps I will take more photos and share ;-D
CR Ward-I agree, it is a compliment! ;-D
San-It is nice to meet you; You are a brave soul with so much to share! I will visit you and watch your journey~
Son was only gone for 35min...his class was cancelled, he is back home...augh! He will leave again, soon...lol
Lisa-I hope it goes well; Can I view a book online?!
Angela-Smart, we do have to add those reality checks. I am not going to be 5'10 and blonde, not in this life~ ;-D
Wanda-You could of fooled me; I see lots of ideas and unique ways you express yourself! @>---
Ellie Garratt
I love that song "Imagine"
We should be respectful to our imiginations.
I have had an idea for ahwhile now- something I really want to do but mr. negativity sitting on my shoulder discourages it.
I need to be strong and rid this little bugger right off my shoulder!
I love the image of the two little girls. I am off to find my Somerset magazine to look you up. Congratulations dear Ella!
I've submitted my blot to Artful Blogging four times I think and always..rejection. How do I deal with it? By annoying the editors and continually submitting AGAIN. :)