Poets United prompt #49 is Untitled...free flow, emotions surface, ebb n' flow. Wow, so much freedom....

Fresh thoughts blanket first star's wink
as twilight begins to bloom
displayed dreams appear on the horizon
waxed illusion frosts silver's gleam
curtains block scenic view of blurred lines
tiny facets of charm protect inner conflict
stale dust begins to drift away
pressed flowers preserve faded memories
beauty's protection encased in vaulted dreams
risk, snippets of me, exposed
soul protects inner, outer reflection
worried whispers awaken pain on my pillow
mind map filters eclipsed vision
new chapter revealed in hazy green eyes
pages of past sequence ironic drama
new window opens, shutters painted a fresh coat of Celebration Blue
stale air turns ocean fresh
magic appears in what lies beneath
focus shifts beyond reflection and grace
Fresh thoughts blanket first star's wink
as twilight begins to bloom
displayed dreams appear on the horizon
waxed illusion frosts silver's gleam
curtains block scenic view of blurred lines
tiny facets of charm protect inner conflict
stale dust begins to drift away
pressed flowers preserve faded memories
beauty's protection encased in vaulted dreams
risk, snippets of me, exposed
soul protects inner, outer reflection
worried whispers awaken pain on my pillow
mind map filters eclipsed vision
new chapter revealed in hazy green eyes
pages of past sequence ironic drama
new window opens, shutters painted a fresh coat of Celebration Blue
stale air turns ocean fresh
magic appears in what lies beneath
focus shifts beyond reflection and grace
"beauty's protection encased in vaulted dreams"
Marian-Thank you ;-D
Yvonne-Thank you; I was thinking of you today. I'll be by.
Mary-Thank you; yes, the childhood wish I once hoped for. It is buried in my DNA and I'm trying to revive it~
My article was published and seeing it brought up tons of emotions. xXx
Henry-Thank you; I enjoyed yours, too~
You have some powerful imagery in your poem. It's really strong. Very impressive.
Congrats on the published article!
Such beautiful words, are very deserving of a title!
Best wishes, Eileen
In keeping with the task, I'd title it, 'Morning's Illusions.'
I'll be back to comment. I'm up late to pick my daughter up from a chorus competition! They came in 3rd~ Thank you for all the wonderful comments~
Wanda-Thank you for stopping by ;-D
thingy-I love that title :D
Peggy-You are so right; I think we all have that ability to over think things, when we put ourselves out there~
Jinksy-I like your view, too(Nice title) :D
Eileen-Thank you; that means a lot~
Kerry-Thank you; it is fun to lose oneself in color ;-D
Thank you Bossy Betty! I'll visit soon ;-D
Thank you Michael; I will be by to see what you have been up to~