
I mailed my grandparents to California yesterday, lol.  I hope they have a safe journey; I hope they can make their debut gracing the pages of  Somerset Memories.  I included a 500 word essay about their influence on my life; their passions brought about dazzling moments, that made them shine. We all are diamonds in the rough and have our twinkly moments. I only have to drum out a tune to be connected to my grandfather or hear a marching band and see him stand tall and be proud. My grandmother  reappears when I tend my garden, smell Honeysuckle, and make time to have tea. It must be within nature's view; we always watched the birds from her feeder, when we had our weekly tea. It was our time for reflecting on our lives and reconnecting.

We can find poetry in our family tree, if we just peer into their passions. Their reflection is part of my soul. Did a grandparent, another relative, or friend give you a gift?  The gift of ordinary joy.


Kerry O'Connor said…
My grandmother was perhaps the single greatest influence in my life... She taught me what it was to be a woman in a changing world, and to stand up for what is right, not expedient, to know my mind and never to capitulate on matters of principle.
I wish I had written her a 500 word essay to that effect. She passed away in my home, in 2004, but lives on in my heart. Thanks for reminding me of the debt of gratitude i owe her every day.

And thank you, Ella, for your quick response to my blog post. Your continual support is greatly appreciated.
Ella said…
Kerry-I loved your poem; it was so beautiful~ You grabbed me at the opening line!
My grandmother died in the early 1980's, but she appears in my daily life, often. She commissioned me to do a painting for her. Then paid me and said, I was now an artist. She saw beauty in the ordinary; I miss her~ Thanks for sharing about your grandmother! ;-D You still can or a poem, perhaps...
Carrie Van Horn said…
This is such a lovely and heartwarming post Ella! My grandparents were such a special part of my growing up years....their home was a place of joy and family time....their stories and memories were priceless to me! Hope all is well for you these days Ella. :-)
A wonderful post Ella and a joy to read.

If your essay is anything like what you just wrote, then I bet it's amazing!
anthony stemke said…
What a lovely heart-felt essay, I enjoyed it immensely.
Thank You.
Elizabeth said…
Oh, oh, now you've set me thinking. I come from two large families and my childhood was filled with different family gatherings that were large enough that at any age you could find someone close in age with similar ideas or experiences. I inherited a great many of my mother's photos when she passed away and now, after reading this, I'm itching to pull them out and wander through them, perhaps taking notes as I do so.

Thanks for the visit to Soul's Music. This week is the last of Big Tent, and I did something very different to bid them all farewell. Would be interested to see what you think,

My grandparents indirectly gave me life and directly influenced how I live it.
Anonymous said…
I miss my grandparents. They were awesome people and I know I'll see them again someday.
Lynette Killam said…
I too hope your grandparents arrive safely! Your piece sounds lovely, as I'm sure it is judging by the sweet snippet here. I fully expect to read the entire tale in Somerset Memories...:)

Good for you sending in submissions. I'm going to stop talking about trying the same thing and just do it one day...LOL!
Ella said…
Stephen-me too; I loved your comment~

GigglesandGuns-Thanks for sharing how important they were in your life. I am glad they were there for you~ @>-----

Elizabeth-I will stop by; I love the idea of a Big Tent. You will be amazed at the memories that will flow~ Yes take notes; I look forward to seeing what comes from your journey back to childhood~
Ella said…
Lynette-Yes, do it! I hesitated for a while; then an incident flipped the switch. Please do...don't wait... :D
LTM said…
that is gorgeous. I love it and I love your reflection. There is poetry in our families, and for mine, LOADS of stories... good one, E! And good luck to the g'rents on their journey~ <3
Sherry Blue Sky said…
My grandma was especially important to me....I love pieces about people remembering their grandparents, it takes me back to years when the world seemed simpler and kinder and far more hopeful. Good for you sending your story in. I will celebrate with you when it is accepted!
Julie@beingRUBY said…
Happy Birthday Dear Ella
I've been under the weather all week and had to cancel my own birthday celebrations.. and then blogger bloggered my birthday post!! hhaha

Hope yours was a wonderful day.. and hope your grandparents enjoy their trip to Somerset!! hehe

Have a great weekend and thanks for remembering my birthday~~~ xxxx Julie
Ella said…
Julie-I am sick, too! I was sick on my birthday; my family did what they could to make it fun~ I really wanted to sleep and not have dirty dishes. lol
I hope you get a chance to do something special for yourself! WE need to figure out other unique similarities...I bet there are more! ;-D xXx

Sherry-It was a time of more awareness. People really noticed and made the time, okay most people ;-D Thank you; I think it is important to share the moments of ordinary joy and how people of all ages have something special to offer~xXx

Leigh-Thank you; Oh, please do share more stories, when time permits. I do love them...
555 <3 xXx
Judy Roney said…
How beautiful your tribute to your grandparents is. You bring up so many dusty memories of mine that are bright and shiny now in my mind. I love your writing style.
Ella said…
Judy-Thank you so much; I am glad you have bright n' shiny memories, too~ I love how they shared their passions; I'm happy they did!