Today is
World Thyroid Day; It took me three years of feeling like a drained, limp dishrag to get diagnosed. I had my daughter and never bounced back. I went to the Dr, moved went to another Dr, finally one day. I went to a health food store, they had a free magazine. I loved the name of this shop Morning Glory. Inside was an article about how to help your thyroid gland and signs that it might not be right. I went to a new Dr and asked for a TSH panel. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is a blood test, it measures how you are doing on a scale of 0.50-5.0 the scale has been redone it is now 3.0. I just found out recently I'm 0.15 (hyper) I feel like I have a fever, I'm starving all the time, and I'm in hyper drive. When you go over 3.0 you are in a hypo state, slow, brain fog, depression, weight issues, blah. The thyroid gland is the master gland of the body, it controls mood, heart rate, your metabolic rate, your body temperature, blood pressure, etc. I remember how miserable I was after I had my daughter. I was exhausted, cold, drained, and irritable that no one could help me; I suffered for 3 yrs. This is why I'm posting this. There are millions of people who are undiagnosed.. Your quality of life isn't the same and you feel like you are living in a fog with no energy. I think sometimes, people are put on antidepressants, when they really needed a blood test and thyroid meds. Women are effected more than men, due to hormonally changes, puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Then there is the autoimmune type(like mine).
You can go to this site to take a
test and look at the
symptoms. You may know someone who has it. It never hurts to be aware. Yes there is a genetic link to this disease, but it is also suspect that one's diet might be a link. I just don't want anyone to suffer like I did; it is so unnecessary~
My own Mother had the same thing for years kept having many symptoms and no doctor could figure it out, sighting many useless causes with no treatment options, until we found one that clicked onto checking the Thyroid and we found she had an overactive one, she ended up having to have radiation therapy to kill the thyroid cos hers was going so crazy!
Now its something I have to keep check of myself, every few months, as I am on medications that can cause it, so I'm more susceptible with my mother having had it too.
I wish you all the best with it, glad you were able to get it sorted, eventually. Just a shame it took so long!
Definitely something that needs to be taken more seriously, and be at the forefront of blood tests when patients are feeling these symptoms!
Cheers - Hilary
Vicki-I'm normally hypo; this is unusually for me to be hyper. "Dirty goggles" is a great description. I always think of it, like a vehicle; we need meds for the gas to run right in the engine, without it, we are running on empty. Thanks Vicki for sharing! You are right, so many suffer and it isn't necessary and it affects one's heart and brain. If left untreated, it causes cholesterol to rise, just because the thyroid gland isn't working properly.
I wish young woman would be checked sooner. After pregnancy is when my happened. when I finally felt well again, I went and had my blood drawn, so I would know want worked for me. Now, I have a guideline, a range of when I am at my best~ I also tell the Dr this. It has helped me~xXx
Hilary-Thank you for being supportive. I am mixed right now, I have symptoms of both. I am getting better; Thank you! It is such an easy disease to diagnose, but so many symptoms over lap over illnesses. It is hard sometimes, to get a DR to see the whole picture. When in doubt, get it checked! Hope you are doing well~xXx
Annmaree-I am sorry to hear your Mom suffered so. Hyper is so dangerous;I hope she is doing well, now~ I hope you don't get it. I tend to have symptoms that over lap, both types. When I was first diagnosed I was Hypo, but I had more symptoms for Hyper. It amazes me in this day and age, that it still happens. Take Care of you! I agree, it should be part of the routine blood work~xXx Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, though, for the information. Take care!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Blessings & Aloha!
...work has been long and getting late from work this week...don't think I am even able to get my one post a week up, this week!...but wanted to get to all the others on Kathie's fun Blog Tour!
Blessings and Aloha to you; I use to live in Hawaii...so beautiful!
Leigh-It really does; after my last child I didn't bounce back to me. I knew something was wrong, but until my thyroid went on or off the charts. I guess there wasn't anything they could do. I am glad she is doing well~ Thanks for your kind words! 555 <3 xXx
Wanda-Thank you; I hope you are doing well! I have missed you and will stop by~
Jules-I remember you telling me a bit about it!
I also remember you grocery list; you were trying to find stuff without soy in it! Difficult...we need to eat like cave women, then life is good! Pass the fennel root, and T-rex jerky...
Lady Gwen-It still isn't done enough; I think young women should have it before pregnancy to know what they normal is. It doesn't help that a lot of our processed foods have soy in them. I am glad you are doing well and caught it soon. I had the passing out thang, when first diagnosed. It is scary; glad you are doing well, now!!! Thanks for sharing...
Jennee-I am glad you are okay; though it might be a test to have once in a year or two to make sure you are okay. :D Take Care and thanks for sharing~
Bossy Betty-Thank you for saving it like it is; it is life changing. It is like a lighthouse view in the fog and then seeing the sun on a bright blue day. Glad your friends were helped~
No, I want to feel like me, again and not live in a fog bank. I hope you have yours checked on occasion. Thanks for sharing! I think women should have it checked when teens-when they have their first Pap smear. This would give them an idea before pregnancy. I know 5 women that have autoimmune(happened after pregnancy). I went to the Dr when I felt good, to know what my # level was. It is an odd disease as far as being discovered and treated correctly. Thanks for sharing~
Thanks for popping over to my blog, I am so glad to visit you. I have been on Synthroid, (oh lets counts backwards) - 10 - 20 -30 Yep, 30 years. 90% of my Throid was removed. I am tested annually and it can be very servious if you don't take your meds right. For those of us ladies that take Vit. D we must remember it can't be taken at the same time as synthroid.
When in doubt get tested! If you ask 3 doctors about Throid disease you will get 3 different answers. We must all be aware of our bodies and when they send those darn signals, trust in yourself and get checked out.
Kathy-Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have seen improvements in the treatment of this disease. Some how I think probably not. I was just put on vit D.
I so agree with you; I have been trying to gather info for years. It is such a misunderstood disease.
Thank you for sharing; I hope you feel good! It is something we need to stay on top of~ I'm allergic to soy and finding it difficult(it is in so much of our food supply). It causes our medicine not to be absorbed...scary! xXx
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