Epistle Poem

Twice a month I post an exercise on  Imaginary Garden blog.  I found this at random...I seem to be on a Roman kick, lately. Epistle is Latin for letter. I thought it was fitting, lately references to Rome keep showing up, on TV, in books, etc.

I have been fighting this bad cold.  I am much better, thank you everyone for your kind words!  I have missed being part of blogging; it feels weird to come back, like I have lost my footing on the trail. I will try to play catch up; I am sure I missed a lot ;D   I missed all of you~ We can't explain this to people who don't blog, can we!  I hope everyone is well; I can't wait to stop by and see what I have missed.  I have had a sinus infection, cold and then the flu like symptoms.  I don't think I had the flu.  I have a friend who argues with me. "sinus headaches don't make you vomit, you had a migraine"  I asked my Dr to end this damn debate.  I won, sort of...  

I have been struggling with the book that wants to come out of me, being ill and my Mom's move. I  am behind in a lot of my creative endeavors. The book seems to have a life of it's own. I know stress did me in. Mom's move is difficult for me. I still am trying to figure out if I can go home. I know sounds simple, but in reality it is not. My husband is getting ready for another business trip, my families crazy schedule makes all of this difficult.

Dear Everyone,

Where do you come from?   Artist, Misty Mawn posted this question on  a piece of art, but also in a class room. I read it on her blog somewhere, but can't find the link.  I thought this might be a great expressive letter.   I would love you to answer the question in the comments, just a bit, give us a hint of who you are.

Middle is where I grew
surrounded by coastal charm n' tall pines
where heaven kisses the sea and hugs the shore
my heart ebbs n' flows in the stormy n' calm
I'm the dust of ancestor's quilted dreams
stitched in an arched brow, a look, a gesture, a smile
Mother's Nature window is my view
green roots reaching through decay and fertile soul
climb my heart strings
music awakens me
spider webbed rose bushes
paving my path
popcorn is in my blood
changeover like film is my lifestyle
anchored in my heart
family's tree filled with
humor, song, creating, and bread dough
my fingerprints are permanently smudged red, blue n' green
on a swinging glider
reflected glass is my rear view mirror
moss gathers my memories tied with baker's twine
soul's comfort is in sand, shells, rose petals and pine needles
family crest is rusted with Indian artifacts, "que sera sera" and tea

Please share a bit about you; you can put just where you were born or where you have felt most at home~


To all it may concern:
It is time to embrace the 2nd New Year
As mood changes color and shifts 
the dance of  change arrives
Your muse want to come out and play
Please allow them space to breathe
Offer them hope, energy and joy
Let them scribble, be loud, play music, write, paint and scream if needed
Open doorways to them
Write down their hints, clues
unearth the facts of your soul
Caress their needs and partake in their time out
daily they visit if you are open
take the time to allow
the green shoots to grow
branch off and experiment
play with your ideas
when the fish jumps
the ripples in the pond
mirror your chance
strike now
winter will appear too soon
it seems cold n' distant, but we all
endure winter's mood
frozen tucked away ideas
to thaw out another day
Some days summer's joy will give
you endless energy, other days will
be springlious with fresh cleansing rain
some days will be mud in your eye
you must see through the dust, the drought, the
flood, allow your memories to surface
and redirect your dreams


Mystic_Mom said…
Lovely photo on your blog header, I am a sucker for sunflowers! :-)

Home has always been where my heart is, and that is with my son and husband. I love the mountains and ocean, and am here on the endless prairie where the waves are of grain and the clouds rolling thunderheads (hey that's a start to a poem!).

Love your second poem here. Redirecting dreams is the theme for the day I think!
Daydreamertoo said…
What a lot happening all at once and then you're not feeling well on top of it all.
I know here 2 years ago a man in his early 30's had a head cold. Went to the docs, treated for sinus infection, left it, more headaches, misdiagnosed as just a head cold. Sinus infection went to his brain and he died. So, they are not to be taken lightly at all. Glad you're feeling a bit better now.
Lots to do with the move of your mom and keeping it all together.
Good to see you back here writing and sharing again!
Ella said…
Daydreamertoo-Thank you; yes I still am not 100%, but better. It is scary, I know a couple in their 30's both fighting really serious diagnosis right now. It is tragic and sad. This is so sad, especially when he went for help and was dismissed. I, too have seen odd stuff like this happen~
Thank you so much...xXx

OOPS...I forgot that other poem was on the end. I couldn't decide which letter to share. oh, well, making up for not blogging for awhile, I guess ;D
Mystic Mom-Your home is beautiful; I am so happy you shared. I was stunned when you said second poem. I thought I had deleted that. I'm glad you liked it~Yes, go with it and write a poem...it will be magical! Thank you~
M Pax said…
Welcome back! I have a forest of sunflowers in my backyard from the birdfeeder. A happy surprise.

Glad you're feeling better. Thanks for sharing the lovely and inspirational poems.
Liz Rice-Sosne said…
Ella, you write beautifully. I enjoyed each of the three pieces. Your words:

"Your muse want to come out and play
Please allow them space to breathe
Offer them hope, energy and joy
Let them scribble, be loud, play music, write, paint and scream if needed."

This is very good advice.
Unknown said…
Well, welcome back. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. I hope you're back to 100% soon. Love the poems, they're so beautiful. Middle sounds like a lovely place to be.
it seems like you could really use a butler to take care of everything while you recover from cold and all the stress :)
Unknown said…
welcome back... I can't believe how I have lost my footing...but I am trying to come back... I want to do a lot more poetry.. but I have to really try..it's hard for me.. I read yours and think wow...
Dorthe said…
Hi Ella-
Hope you are soon real better-and real well,- yes take care :)
Love your poems, and what they tell about you.
Right now I live on the ocean side on "my" very little island here in DK in a very beautiful spot- but I have alwayes been feeling home,almost whereever I lived- if only I can cosy up ,inside my house- and have some good friends, I`m ok almost every where, and calls it home.But I have to admit, I have not been forced to call bad places :home
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Those were lovely! As long as I have my husband and two cats, I'm home.
Anonymous said…
"memories tied with baker's twine"..love that phrase...I'm so glad you feel well enough to blog today and hopefully you'll be feeling 100 percent before the weekend.
Born and raised in Texas, I'll never get used to the heat, but it'll always be home. :)
Love the bonus poem!!
I hope you are feeling better. My whole family has been sick. My dad is in home hospice so we try to be very careful around him, but somehow we all came down with bacterial pneumonia... my mom got hit worst. She has pneumonia, pleurisy, a partially collapsed lung, and gout! My dad is on antibiotics, and is hanging on. But it's been a siege here! We're in Colorado... home of purple mountains majesty.
Ella said…
Doralynn-Thank you; Gosh, I am so sorry and sad for you and your family!
Sending you some xXx and Vitamin sunshine!
I had a lay over in CO, it is gorgeous! I would love to visit~

Scarlett-I was in Texas driving in the snow and ice, not fun! I would love to go visit, when it is beautiful, but not hot! Sending you some rain~

L.Diane-aaww, that was beautiful! I totally understand~ I have hung my hat in a lot of places!

Dorthe-I love the sounds of your home and how you carry it in your heart! Sounds so lovely there~
Thank you!

Lisa-Thank you, you are so sweet!
We just have to jump back into it~
Try some exercises they have great ones online or try the library. :D

Dezmond-Oh, yes please...lol ;D
Just life tossing me a curve ball; I know stress didn't help. I'm much better! You are sweet; thank you~

Clarissa-Thank you; yes middle was a great place to be! I'm getting there, thanks! :D

Old Raven-Thank you so much; I'm behind on my email, but will catch up. Yes, we do need to respect our muse, don't we ;D

MPax-Your view sounds lovely; I love there cheery disposition~ Yes, that is a lovely surprise! Thank you~