Poets United prompt today is # 70 Hunger, so many directions to go in, but it was just yesterday this hunger arose.

*My Dad would beg me to go with him to trade a vehicle, promising me a treat.
I would sit in the car waiting for him, sometimes 3 hrs, with my pen, paper and crayons.
After the first time, I didn't want to go again. He had to up the ante to get me in the car.
No kid wants to sit that long waiting for a treat. I learned my lesson, but then he offered better bribes~
I long for you, but you are forbidden
I'm taunted and teased by the scent of you
Once my lips caress you, it is over
I’m lost, adrift in memories
My senses awaken to your touch
Indulging you is forbidden
One with consequences
I will pay for my moment of passion I am over come with the allure of your perfume
I crave your touch, I don’t visit you often, but when I do
It is as heaven has touched my soul
I choose to be strong for now,
but your lucious, plump softness
teases me
You should be illegal
You are for me
legal cocaine, my personal demon
I daily fight my addiction to your pale, alluring beauty
you are my poisonous apple
You could kill me
Jail for me is burning the fumes
you leave in my veins
I would walk 10 miles for you,
be chained to my stationary bike
all for one kiss
Passion's promise arrives
one heavenly kiss and
I'm nine years old
spinning out of control
on a chrome bar stool, red vinyl seat
I spin and twirl till all you see is red
You smile and tell me to slow down
I waited all day for this delight
you promised
I sat in a steel jail waiting for you to return
while you wheeled n' dealed and got what you wanted
Three hours you played your hand and won
I earned my treat
*My Dad would beg me to go with him to trade a vehicle, promising me a treat.
I would sit in the car waiting for him, sometimes 3 hrs, with my pen, paper and crayons.
After the first time, I didn't want to go again. He had to up the ante to get me in the car.
No kid wants to sit that long waiting for a treat. I learned my lesson, but then he offered better bribes~
I enjoyed the poem. Very evocative.
Nice treat though :)
Daydreamertoo-Yes, I didn't always sit in the car, but it was always so long.
MPax-Yes, for the company, no I doubt I helped his deals, lol
Thank you~
I am tempted by them because they truly are forbidden. I am Type 1 diabetic and I really have to walk it off, ride my bike or take an insulin shot. They do lure me, but I'm pretty good at passing them by.
Twice a year I cave, October is one month I allow myself to indulge.
Dad and I always stopped and shared this treat on the way home. I think I should have done two separate poems, instead~
"..all for one kiss"..love that line.
I was bribed a lot with sweets when I was young..try not to do it with my own but still do sometimes.
Sounds like you have a lot of 'sweet' memories of your dad.
Hit me with the punchline, like a shot to the sternum.
Beautiful piece!
Thanks again for your comments and taking the time to visit me :D
Susie-Good, I wanted to detour you!lol
Philip-Thank you; he did! He was one of a kind ;D
Celestial Dreamz-Thank you, so kind of you to say so~
Tino-I love your description! ;D that was my intention, lol~
Laurie-Thank you, good things are worth waiting for...but no more 3hrs for a doughnut~
Lola-It was great till a certain point in time! The memories are sweeter now~ Thank you!
Scarlett-I got a bit older and it wasn't sweets anymore, but music!
I wised up, lol~ Thank you~