Poets United prompt #75 this week is "Who am I?" I am sure this will make some intriguing poetry and everyone's will be unique, like snowflakes. No two are alike... Sorry, it feels like snow here and I can't get over the 30 degree drop in temperature.

I'm a magician with a Kaleidoscope view
I see worlds within others
I see nuances in the ordinary
I like calm, reflective moments
I dress to blend with nature
my intuitive canvas is filled with colorful rain
I'm a bull in a china closet
stubborn like concrete(sometimes)
I apply the golden rule
kindness and respect are my horizon
in a sea of true blue
I'm the red pigment in a green leaf
I'm never bored
I am a diamond in the rough~
I'm a magician with a Kaleidoscope view
I see worlds within others
I see nuances in the ordinary
I like calm, reflective moments
I dress to blend with nature
my intuitive canvas is filled with colorful rain
Organic, fresh alive like an exposed current
I'm filtered light in a fog of memories
My nicknames are Ellien, Turbo, Lucy and EllaI'm a bull in a china closet
stubborn like concrete(sometimes)
I apply the golden rule
kindness and respect are my horizon
in a sea of true blue
I'm the red pigment in a green leaf
I'm never bored
clown like most of the time
I can get people to perform for me and
They are amazed they did that ;D
I am an ARTchaeologist unearthing treasure
I see brilliance in others, as I still mine my own.I am a diamond in the rough~
Keep prompting!
Salem-It was a great prompt! I loved yours, the humanity and the threads of uniting us all through your "Who am I" just brilliant! I was in awe reading it~
Other Mary-I like you too ;D
Thanks, I thought it would be an interesting view. I love kaleidoscopes~ Thank you!
zongrik-Thank you, I think we all as we find our passion and make our lives!
Tarang Sinha-Thank you, I think we all can see reflections of ourselves in our memories~
Heaven-Thank you; I think we all are full of potential! It just takes time to unearth the gems :D
Carrie-Thank you so much; I love nature and once I went that route, color had to come into focus! :D
Sherry-You know we all are unearthing our diamonds as we find our path! It is painful sometimes, but so worth it! Thank you!!!
Thank you Eric; wasn't it an interesting prompt!
Ollie-Thank you; I will never tire of the Old Monk! ;D
Adura Ojo-Thank you so much; I wanted to use nature as my biggest focus! I love the outdoors, such a creative muse! :D
Janet-I loved this prompt! All of the poems held magic and were so intriguing! It was fun~ (I'm a Taurus, so I had to fit the bull in somewhere, lol).
rch-I wondered how that would be taken???!!! For me it means I'm quirky and different. I stand out, even when I want to blend into the crowd. It is getting easy to blend now that my hair isn't so blue black anymore. :D
Raining Iguanas-Thank you so much! It was such a great prompt and so fun to learn more about each other!
Daydreamertoo-:D So do you! I try~
I just have to beware of china closets!
Rinkly Rimes-Thank you; I have exposed a bit of the facets, but I still need to unearth more. Mining is work ;D