Life has been a bit busy lately. I finished up an amazing class, Jenny Doh offered. If you get a chance, you should try one of her classes. It is a journey inward, to openly express outward what your heart desires. Be sure to check her site to see other online courses, she is offering.
I received a subpoena to go to court last week, in regards to an accident, I witnessed last year. It was a case of reckless driving. I also went to the Dr again; I am having some issues. I had more labs Monday and go back tomorrow, to find out the results. I hate going, but who likes to go?! This is why I haven't been posting as much.
Today I am going to share a recipe with you. My daughter wanted to make something with her friends. I had the ingredients for Black Bottom Cupcakes. Afterwards our house smelled amazing. I made some for me. I had a sugar free cake mix and adjusted the filling:
l 8 oz pkg of Light Cream Cheese
1 egg white
1/3 cup of Splenda or Stevia
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup semi-sweet(Sugar-free) chocolate chips( half of the bag)
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
I added 1 tablespoon of all purpose flour to thicken this mixture. Sugar blends differently, than Splenda. The flour helps. I baked them at 350 F for 15-17 minutes.
I was stunned to be published in The Stamper's Sampler Feb/Mar 2012 issue

Here are the tag ladies I submitted. I stamped on buttons, silk flower petals, tiny tags and fabric. I also was published in the Special Surfaces section. I had no idea! I went to the mail and thought, mmh maybe one thing. I have a few things inside. The cover says, cards to satisfy your sweet tooth. There are some amazing, unique and unconventional techniques. It is a real treat to be part of this wonderful issue. Thank you Stampington!!! You really surprised me~
My daughter's friends enjoyed hearing me gasp and wondered what all the fuss was about. Our beagle, Buster took part in running to and fro to help me celebrate. :D
I received a subpoena to go to court last week, in regards to an accident, I witnessed last year. It was a case of reckless driving. I also went to the Dr again; I am having some issues. I had more labs Monday and go back tomorrow, to find out the results. I hate going, but who likes to go?! This is why I haven't been posting as much.
Today I am going to share a recipe with you. My daughter wanted to make something with her friends. I had the ingredients for Black Bottom Cupcakes. Afterwards our house smelled amazing. I made some for me. I had a sugar free cake mix and adjusted the filling:
l 8 oz pkg of Light Cream Cheese
1 egg white
1/3 cup of Splenda or Stevia
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup semi-sweet(Sugar-free) chocolate chips( half of the bag)
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
I added 1 tablespoon of all purpose flour to thicken this mixture. Sugar blends differently, than Splenda. The flour helps. I baked them at 350 F for 15-17 minutes.
I was stunned to be published in The Stamper's Sampler Feb/Mar 2012 issue
Here are the tag ladies I submitted. I stamped on buttons, silk flower petals, tiny tags and fabric. I also was published in the Special Surfaces section. I had no idea! I went to the mail and thought, mmh maybe one thing. I have a few things inside. The cover says, cards to satisfy your sweet tooth. There are some amazing, unique and unconventional techniques. It is a real treat to be part of this wonderful issue. Thank you Stampington!!! You really surprised me~
My daughter's friends enjoyed hearing me gasp and wondered what all the fuss was about. Our beagle, Buster took part in running to and fro to help me celebrate. :D
This page is called "Closer Look" My work is in squares: 3, 5, 7 and 9. I stamped a feather, a tea bag, added a tiny rose by threading it through the lace and stuck more flowers in the holes of a button.
Try to get over your fear and do it anyway! Whatever your dream, take a chance. You never know what may happen!
Look forward to seeing more :)
I am SO happy for you! I will definitely have to pick that one up - too bad I was late in reading this as I was at Joann's just today and would have gotten it if I knew. OH WELL, now I HAVE to go back to get it, lol!
Congratulations my talented friend, you deserve it (and that beautiful cupcake ;)
I do hope you are well - and that the chocolate helped! I will be thinking of you and sending you good thoughts, xoxoxo
trying to catch up today with blogging, and I have gotten lost wondering around and reading your posts. Congratulations on this publication. I am going to buy this magazine, and get a better look.
I love your profile...chalk and fortune cookie sayings!
Just wanted to stop by and visit,
Have a great weekend,
Lisa-Thank you so much for stopping by! Your art reminds me of the joy I had with this medium. YOU are so talented~ Keep submitting you will get there! Thank you! Happy weekend to you~
Scarlett-Thank you, the cupcakes are wonderful! You will love them~
Hope everyone is getting better in your world!
Kristin-Thank you, your good thoughts and chocolate did the trick. I am on the mend, thank you! You are so Sweet!
I will be by to visit~ :D
Carrie-Thank you,yes,I'm getting better! They finally figured it out and I'm on antibiotics. Thank you for your thoughts! Your blogs are beautiful!
Jenelle-Thanks so much for visiting me! I will be by to see what you have been up to :D
Vicki-Thank you so much! They are delicious~ :D I hope life is good for you!
Dezzy-Thank you so much! Maybe next time I'll use our favorite color, green ;D
Wanda-Thank you so much! Your blog is so inspiring! I hope you write a book :D
Stephen-Phew, be glad it is virtual 3 lbs, lol ;D Thank for coming by~