E is for Escape


Morning Beach Walk by ~cgray0983

How do you escape?  I would imagine many of you would say books, writing?!  Writing is an escape most of us can relate to. Does escape conjure up journaling, art, photos, music, movies, perhaps meditative walks?  I did a prompt over at Poets United, for Think Tank Thursday, Escape.

Lilacs by ~kahl

Wasn't their a perfume named Escape?  It was for women and men. My escape would be a mix of salty sea air, fog and wharf roses with  middle notes of earth's roots, a trace of  lilacs mixed with lingering shadows of my youth.  Maybe my escape would be a long walk in a mossy forest, the pitch of pine wakes me, with  traces of lavender,  notes of humming birds swirl around, surrounded by gray amber.
 Sometimes my escape is the musty smell of time worn books, with hot chocolate and a Granny Smith apple, with top notes of a spring storm. lol   Today, my escape would be a crowded movie theater, filled with chatter, hot buttered popcorn wafting through the aisles and some fruity Jujyfruits.  Describe your escape?  It will change based on the day, mood and time...


movie popcorn by ~dfphillips


Narrow, steep path
slants down a long winding ravine
clusters of wild roses
framed by an out lining forest
transformed street square
contrast wakes 

key holed dreams
  dark against
 arching walls
sun streaks through the window panes
 tracing one's past
the ritual of
climbing the
 winding staircase
into another 

Your secret code
blends fresh earth
Lily of the valley with notes of
citrus sunshine
in a half life
 sweeping change
new recipe
to walk through

 your footing
by the blue coast 
along the hairpin turns
knotted pine forest
 where old fashion charm sleeps
fabrication of delicate
accords and families
 transformed by
fresh green woodlands
wrapped in
 reminiscent oak moss
beauty found

the key
your thoughts
changing you into
warm wax
dipped in
arctic air
You wake like
fresh bleached laundry by the sun's embrace
like fresh
powdered snow

You are strong
honey eyed
to swim again
against the under current
realign with 
the revolution

 Ellen Wilson


Sherry Blue Sky said…
FANTASTIC!! Love the whole post......and the smell of sea air and fog.....your poem is a wonder: "key holed dreams"....."climbing the winding staircase into another world" But most especially I love "in a half life of sweeping change launching....." and most especially your entire last stanza. You go, girl!!!
Brother Ollie said…
Thank you for keeping us all writing...that is our escape.
Ella said…
Ollie-It does help doesn't it!
Art in any form helps free us~
Do you take photos? I see see the Monk being very skilled :D

Sherry-Thank you, ;D
I am homesick..
I think I need a trip to the shore...
Unknown said…
What a PRETTY blog! I like to escape on the beach or to an uncrowded theater, or just someplace quiet with my thoughts.

Happy A to Z-ing!
The whole E post was a joy to read whether it was poetry or not. The pictures great.
Excellent all round.

Huntress said…
Escape sounds great right now.

*what a week I'm having*
Ready to escape my office!
What movie are you seeing, Ella?
Unknown said…
This line is wonderful:
You wake like
fresh bleached laundry by the sun's embrace
Nicole said…
Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to be in the midst of sea air and fog :)
For now, I'm sticking with my entertaining escapes, which are smooth music such as Sade or Seal and easygoing movies that I can watch and drift into a relaxing state of contentment.

I found out about your blog thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh's "C" post and am glad I took the time to finally pay you a visit.


Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter
Mary Ann Potter said…
"A new recipe". Beautiful words in this lovely poem. How do I escape? Sometimes a short nap, more often a walk on our farm in the middle of the day; I walk two to four miles every morning, so additional walking's always good! (Fifty-five acres gives me plenty of walking space.) Sometimes I sit on the porch and watch the chickens. Depends. I am stress-free.
MJ said…
I love that I am sitting here wrapped up in scents! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
-MJ http://creativelyspiltink.blogspot.com/
Christine Rains said…
I'm trying to breathe in deeply to smell the lilacs from outside now. Love the photos.
Daydreamertoo said…
What a dizzy sight and sense escape we all went on. The different fragrances, salt, sea air, scent of flowers on the breeze, fresh washing on the line.
A truly lovely feast for the senses Ella.
DL Hammons said…
I "Escaped" by taking a day off work so I could visit blogs like yours and get caught up. It's not sexy...but it sure feels good! :)

DL Hammons @ Cruising Altitude 2.0
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Karen said…
I escaped for a bit while reading your poem. It's lovely.
rch said…
Great, I can't believe we picked the same E, though yours is so much nicer than mine.
I escaped by enjoying your lovely poems! Thanks. :D

My blog
Grace said…
Lovely images and scents...I like the ending lines...revolution of you ~
Anonymous said…
What better way to escape than to take a walk on the beach in the morning fog! I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning.
Cynthia said…
Just saying hello from Blogging A to Z! I like the imagery you use in your writing. For me, I like to escape by going to the spa or going on a nature walk.
Dave King said…
the half life of sweeping change

your thoughts

and a greta deal more. A joy to read.
Cheryl Klarich said…
I would love to linger a while longer...
Amanda Trought said…
Escaping in your post today was devine, I am always blessed reading your words....Im sure I had the purfume as well. Have a lovely weekend! Amandax
Jarm Del Boccio said…
Hello, Ella...welcome to the challenge! There are so many escapes...I love to walk, or ride a bike, or listen to classical music, or, of course, read. I wish I lived near the mountains or forest or seashore, but, I don't. Thankfully, when I am on vacation, I can escape! Thanks for your post...
Ella said…
I'll be back to comment!
Company just stopped by...

I have enjoyed immersing my mind in your world of escapism. A real choice of scents and places....

Thank you also for keeping Poets United alive with your Thursday Prompts :)

Hoping that my Blog issues have now been corrected. Thank you for letting me know Ella.
Happy Easter,
Ella said…
Eileen-YOU fixed it! I am so pleased
You are welcome and Thank you!
Yeah, there needs to be more control over there. I know a few members are trying to get some issues resolved~
Let's hope!

Jarm-I love all of your escapes~
Vacation is a great way to escape and when we can't we have books :D
Nice to meet you~

Amanda-Thank you, yes, scent is a great way to escape and go explore our memories! Hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you Cheryl, lingering is good ;D

Thank you Dave! :D
I loved your poem~

Cynthia-I love nature walks, never have done the spa thang. We do treatments at home. I do a lot of reflexology. I have had acupuncture, that was amazing, but medical related. I like your picks~

Stephen-I know, cool right! I hope you had a chance to do just that~ :D

Grace-Thank you! Yes, sometimes we have to go to battle for that escape, but we're worth it ;D

Jaycee-Thank you so much :D

rch-I wouldn't say that! I thought it was cool, we did something similar! ;D

Thank you Karen, that was so nice of you to say :D

DL-Thank you for taking the time!!!! :D lol
Ella said…
Bren-Thank you, I should of added the ocean! I miss it so!
I need a day trip to the Outer Banks!

Christine-I missed them so much, when I was in FL, my Mom mailed me some. The worst smell on the planet, okay one of the worst is baked lilacs. The heat and humidity cooked them...eeewww!

MJ-Thanks for stopping by and taking time out to visit :D

Mary Ann-I so admire your view!
Wow, how lovely it all sounds~ :D
Thank you~

Nicole-Those are all great ways to escape! I like those picks, myself~ :D

Kim-Thank you! It would be nice to truly wake that way. I look like I wrestled a bear, lol

Alex-I bet! Meeting days are long~
Hopefully "The Hunger Games" time will tell...

Huntress-I hope it gets better :D

Yvonne-Thank you! You always make me smile :D

Jenn-I like your picks! Sometimes I want the quiet theater. When it is a block buster type flick, I love the energy of the crowd!
Lolamouse said…
All of your escapes sound so appealing! The flowers, the popcorn, the movies, the books...Take me away!!!
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