U is for Unique

Isn't it funny how when we are little we all want to be the same. We want to fit in, be like another spoke on the wheel, or another petal on a daisy, or another pencil out of the box. I hated my name, when I was little. I was the only Ellen.  Now, I love my name. It is in our middle school years, we notice our differences and what we are good at. What makes you unique?!   We often hear the term the best and the brightest...  I think we all have a chance to be our best and the brightest. We all are unique and it is embracing our talents, our views, that allows us to realign with who we are and should be.  You can only be the best yoU!

unique by ~runzwithscissorsXx


I thought of this U while in my swimming soup(attic sifting through my memories) and spied a box of books. In this box was a SARK book.  SARK is an artist that embraces the unique. She helps you find your voice. The last page of the book was called acKNOWledge your self:

She asks you some questions to ponder:

What angels are in your life?

Who gives your heart wings?

Where do you feel most at home?


"There is a place, in between dreams and besides all that physical stuff, where your spirit truly glows."

 "Remember Dreamsicles?  What a great name-a popsicle gone dreaming. We only get one of you to dream your dreams, so let them get really big and then please share, we need them."~SARK






Mary said…
Nice post, Ella. So true that "You can only be the best you." And I can only be the best me. Children need to be taught this on a regular basis, I think.
Anonymous said…
Guys need a book like this! And I must have protecting angels guarding over me because I probably should have bought the farm on numerous occasions.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Beautiful, Ella. This makes me think of the wonderful line in the movie The Help where the nanny tells the little girl: You is smart. You is special. You is important, and has her repeat it........all kids should be told this, all the time.........I love SAARK too! Her books are way wild!
And if we try to be someone else, we fail miserably.
Great U post each one of us is unique otherwise what sort of world it would be. The song "I am what I am" sums me up.

Anonymous said…
that purple is tooooo amazing

apollo and the two muses
Liza said…
If only we could all be strong and proud in who we are!
Leigh Caron said…
I think a parent's most important job is to teach their children that their uniqueness is a gift. I never heard of Sark before. Interesting. Thanks for your comment on my blog today. I'm following you now too.
Cheryl Klarich said…
So wonderful...

Sometimes it's hard to dare to be who we ultimately are best at being...
Scarlett Clay said…
This is a wise and thoughtful, post, I really enjoyed it. And I'm smiling BIG as I see that SS cover at the top of your blog!! Wooohoo! 'U' is also for 'unbelievably talented', congrats, friend!
Perle said…
I grew into my name too. Lot's of truth's here. thanks.
Wanda said…
Such interesting questions to ponder Ellie. "We all are unique and it is embracing our talents, our views, that allows us to realign with who we are and should be"...such a powerful truth.
Amanda Trought said…
We are so unique and it is a blessing to read your posts and share in your slice of life. I remember when my son Sekani was about 6 he came to me and said he wanted to change his name to Sargarous - the name of a dinosaur from a tv show, he was adamant that he wanted to change it, there were tears, but he thanks me now for holding out! Blessings, Amandax
Ella said…
Amanda-What a memory! How sincere they are at that age~ Thanks for sharing this is so precious! My son wanted to build a robot and insisted I take him to the hardware store. He was 5yrs old. He was big for his age and wanted a robot to take care of the bullies. Thank you for sharing(((hugs)))

Wanda-Thank you! Yes, but the course is rarely an easy one! I use to admire and be puzzled by friends saying I am going to grow up and be an nurse or a policeman and they did just that...

Pearle-Thanks! I like your name :D

Scarlett-You are too kind! Thank you~ So are yoU! Keep at it~ Mail in those shower rings! ;D

Cheryl-Wow, I love how you said it!
Thank you~

Em-Musing-Yes, I agree that is something that should be embraced and encouraged! I took my Sark book to work once...I wish I had owned shares. I could of sold 400 copies.
Thanks for sharing!

Liza-I think a lot of it has to do with how many try to discourage us on our path. There are a lot of thorns on the way to the roses!

Zongrik-It is isn't it! :D

Yvonne-I love that you shared music here and on your A-Z challenge! Your poetry ties in so well, with the music score~ I'll be by soon :D

Alex-Yes,tis true! I knew the Captain would say something profound. ;D

Sherry-Yes, they are wild and juicy! ;D I haven't seen this movie yet. I have the book to read...probably should do that first! Great advice...thanks for sharing~

Stephen-SO glad you do have those angels! I bet you can find a copy at the library or book store. It would make a great Mother's Day gift then you can look at it! ;D
Yes, a guy version would be good~

Mary-I agree! Thanks that was well said! I think it should be a song ;D