We all have a dream, a wish...

I think,  like the stars in the sky, we need to align ourselves with others. Others, who share our passion. Sometimes it is intimidating n' scary!  We  grow, when we step outside of ourselves and toss ourselves into the winds of change.  I think Gunilla Norris describes nature so beautifully. In her book, "Mystic Garden" she talks about the quieting of autumn. I love this quote of hers.

"Only the black seed heads stand alone on their stalk-a constellation of black stars."~Gunilla Norris

We all have potential, like the black stars!  We just have to be brave and keep reaching and 
maybe, just maybe, our dream might come true!

For most of us, our passion is a solo game.  We write, paint, create our vision alone.  It is when we gather and share we grow, we shine.  We can not shine alone!  We think we can, but we can't~

 I discovered Holly Becker of decor8 was offering this class. 

I was on the fence, about it!   Why, you ask?
 This is the time of year, holiday shopping begins.  I felt guilty about spending the money.  Then I saw signs, that made me think again. 

 I was creating some gift tags, at my kitchen table.  I decided to paint, so I laid out some newspapers. I'm a messy crafter :D   I was layering the paper on the table, when this headline grabbed my attention.  


The newspaper was dated 5/15/11.  It was an article about Holly Becker and her latest book.  The pairing of Holly's name and the word edge, got me.  And I have a thing about the numbers 3 n' 5.  I went back online to read about the course.  It started on October 5th.  There were three 5s.   I signed up!   I know that might sound odd, to some of you.  My intuition told me I should do this, but I wasn't listening. The signs really grabbed my attention!

I hope you will push yourself, to try new things, be open to signs of change.  Yes, the whispers of your heart trying to take you into the winds of change!   Yes, without change we get root rot, we don't grow.   I hope you will be brave and follow your GPS-Gifts, Passion and Spirit!  (I still need to re-pot a few other plants, ;D)   Do you listen to your intuition?  Have you noticed signs? 

"Of all the creatures that I can see in this landscape, the geese best represent the communion of saints. They depend on one another. The lead goose does the most work, but when it is tired, it falls back and another takes its place...The geese fly in the wake of one  an-others' wings. They literally get a lift from one another. I want to be with others this way. Geese tell me that it is, indeed, possible to fly with equals." - Gunilla Norris



Glad you signed up, Ella! You're already really good - now you'll be scary good.
Ella said…
Alex-;D lol Thank you~
Johanna Garth said…
First of all, love your new blog header and secondly, have to second Alex's comment. Can't wait to see what you learn.
Unknown said…
Hello classmate ;-) Thank you for commenting on my new blog lemon8. You were the first ever to comment on it.
I agree that you have to be open for new things, for me it was the main reason to enroll in this class.
Laura Maria said…
Ella this post is perfect. I remember when the thought of sharing my work with others struck fear in me. Even blogging anonymously was a huge scary, step for me but I'm so glad I took it because I have grown, been inspired, and found others who have the same passions as I do.
I'm glad you signed up for the course and I can't wait to read what comes out of it!
Kerry O'Connor said…
Beautiful, beautiful Queen Anne's Lace!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Lovely, Ella, am so glad you listened to the signs and are taking the class. You were meant to! Enjoy! Like the geese, we do need such encouragement to share and grow with our gifts.
Grace said…
I am glad that you stretching and learning something new ~ The example of the geese is very fitting, we do need each other to grow and achieve our goals ~
Kay L. Davies said…
Oh, yes, I knew that about geese but I had forgotten. So wonderful, aren't they?
And I'm glad there were signs directing you to do what you wanted to do. You'll be glad you did.
Luv, K
What a lovely, inspiring post!
Unknown said…
" I hope you will be brave and follow your GPS-Gifts, Passion and Spirit". I LOVE that and it is quite needed today.
Suzanne said…
Wow Ella, how could you not do the course after that?! It's a good reminder for me to listen to my intuition a little more as well.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Mary said…
Ah, so THIS is the class you signed up for. Sounds like this is a perfect match for you and your talents and interests. Smiles.
Anonymous said…
Potential like a black star? I want that! Look out world here I come.
Ella said…
Stephen-lol I knew you would like anything star related :D
Yes, look

Mary-I tried to email you last night-Internet down all evening!
Thank you, yes, this is it-Bootcamp!

Suzanne-I know right! I had to follow my intuition :D Thank you~

Boi-Yeanoh-Thank you! I hope you will be brave, too ;D

KarenG-Thank you! I mentioned you on FB ;D

Kay-Thank you! Hope you are fully recovered and full of inspiration~
xo :D

Grace-Thank you! It is a nice way to be reminded to share. In real life I am a loner type. I go through spells(think the military world has affected me) Make friends, they move...

Sherry-Yes, we are like geese that way! I'm still trying to find the leader...where is Mother Goose? lol

Kerry-Thank you! Beautiful sea poem ;D

Laura-Thank you! It is about being brave~ Everyone has ideas to share, but when we bottle them up, what good are they~ It takes time to be brave! I'm so happy you are doing just that! U R a Brave Girl :D

Marianne-Beautiful isn't it! Scary, but beautiful! Nice to meet you~ I hope this class will change our world~

Johanna-Thank you! You are sweet~
I will be by to see what monster lurk! I loved your last post :D

Anonymous said…
Great post! Having a hard time with my GPS as you know, but I'm sure I will be able to follow it's direction one day...
Ella said…
Bonnemee-Thank you! Yes, it takes time doesn't it! :D YOU are not alone :D
manus said…
Ella, your words moved me! I'm glad you're in the BYW course, otherwise we didn't met.
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog.
Best wishes, Manuela