Mama Zen, from the Imaginary Garden asked us to write Santa a letter-poem style of course in 50 words or less!
Sorry, MZ I couldn't do 50 words
Dear Santa,
I am diabetic-no more baking sweets
You dream of sugar plums, not me
Tired of Oreo Fudge, Peanut Butter Blossoms and
Sugar cookies
Move out of my creative nook
I want to be published again
No not Playboy
Dear please stop the lawsuit with Starbucks.
the Christmas Blend is not yours...
I'm tired of you barking orders n'
going commando
Get off your fat ass and
help yourself!
Up yours,
Mrs. Santa
You should know ever since the gnomes watched the movie ELF-the mail room has not been the same!
Oh, too, I wrote a lil' note via the fb side bar thingy but just wanted to apologize for missing your prompt...what a clever idea...not sure when and if I'll be able to get around to it. Falling behind this week it seems and some deadlines coming too. :/ wow happened fast.
Love ya soul sis!
Razzmadazzle-Love your name, lol
Thank you!
Kateri-lol I'm so glad
Lolamouse-Thank you, lol ;D
Candilynn-lol, thank you~
Marian-I needed a stress
Hedgewitch-We know, don't we.... ;D
Donna-Thank you ;D
I'll be back to comment-still having issues...grrr