Spring's Fragile Kiss

Lipid landscape
melts in quicksilver dreams
white birches flirt with the wind
planting spring's fragile kiss
 tender wisps of papery hope
outline feathers' dance

Sun jeweled memories poke through the white sieve
Wisps of tucked green stars lean
their whispers of tortum

An angel
trumpets the news
party dresses of satin and buttery velvet
with sunny petticoats
will be the first to arrive.

Other guest wait, for their invitation.
Soon all will dance in wind's waltz
vibrant ruffled gowns will turn heads as
golden curls twirl

large sunny cups wait for ceremonial high tea 
Madame de la Sabliere  is jealous
the Ice Follies have come to town

© Ellen Wilson


Wonderful, Ella! Bet those flowers were confused by the snow this past weekend.
Ella said…
Yes, confusion is the middle name , as we get closer to spring! ;D
Hope you get to enJOY today's heat wave~
Mark Means said…
Very nice, Ella! Great imagery, too :)
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Your page is always such a delight - this time bursting with spring flowers and the most beautiful poem. Yay!
Mary said…
You wrote:

"Other guest wait, for their invitation.
Soon all will dance in wind's waltz
vibrant ruffled gowns will turn heads as
golden curls twirl"

Oh, this sounds like a most lovely party. Nice to picture, on your page, that spring is on the horizon!
Anonymous said…
This is just filled with fabulous imagery! I love it!
Mary Ann Potter said…
Your poem is so beautiful, Ellen. Wonderful imagery --- and the Ice Follies coming to town made me smile even more.
ScottlB said…
Lovely imagery in this Ella, nice poem.
Anonymous said…
I love this poem. It makes me desire spring's arrival even more now!

Hope all is well Ellen

Scarlet said…
Your header, words and pictures are infused with sunny colors ~ I wish spring will come sooner ~
Renee said…
Beautiful photos and words. I wish I was looking at flowers like that here! Soon.
Shelly said…
What a pretty poem. The yellow flower pic is beautiful.

Hugs and chocolate,
Morgan said…
You always transport me, Ella!!!!
Cynthia said…
Very lovely, Ella. Sounds like a fancy event!
Jinksy said…
My favourite flowers! Here, they have only managed a few green leaf tips above ground so far...
Your words are pretty as a picture...
L. Diane Wolfe said…
I wish I could write such wonderful poetry with my photos.
Wanda said…
I look forward to seeing those beauties waltzing in the wind.
Yolanda Renée said…
Spring has arrived!

Thank you Ella, I so need spring...so need spring!
Laurie Kolp said…
This is lovely Ella... = )
Ella said…
Thank you everyone! I will be by soon-I have been stuck in the attic, with memories! I will visit you soon~