Over in the Garden

Over in the garden,  De Jackson of Whimsy Gizmo,  compiled an exciting list of words from The Book of Wild Flowers (National Geographic Society, published 1924) and asked us to pen a poem.  De also provided several phrases, from the same source as further inspiration.


sight-seeing in a daisy 
the silent roar of the vast
stealing the sun
the story of the grasses
a strong, bent contrivance
flowers that will not wait for the snow
employ the wind

We can use what we want in this 'Get Listed' challenge. 

Stealing the sun
Shocking pink Glamor Girl
a strong, bent contrivance
twists her charms
Million Bells sprawls close
evergreen and strong
she contorts
longing for Heliotrope
His spicy cherry scent
now transplanted
 to Moscow
Pale Petunia waves
stands alone
sees grey fogged spots
Human Owl swoops by
Siamese Twins, Daisy n' Violet smile n' nod
 Iris The Bearded Lady
employing the wind
behind the painted smiles
 big top sags
faded dreams
like Fool's gold
pool in
quicksand yet-
the show must go on... 

© Ellen Wilson



Mark Means said…
Well done, Ella. I enjoyed those :)
Amrit Sinha said…
I loved your flower poem :-)
Fool's Gold - nice touch!
Margaret said…
"Fading dreams like fools gold"

That is an awesome line!
Unknown said…
Beautiful! My Jasmine are already blooming here in South Texas. The entire backyard smells amazing! Our hound doesn't care for the bees it attracts, though. :)
Ella said…
EJ-Poor hound! I bet it does smell amazing ;D I can't wait for the Honeysuckle!

Margaret-Thank you ;D
Yes, I fear I have to sell mine-Fool's gold, lol

Alex-Thank you Ninja from another dimension ;D lol

Green Speck-Thank you! :D I had fun thinking of it like a circus~

Mark-Hi, yes, I shared the lists and words, the prompter challenged us with. I didn't use many, but a few ;D Thank you~

Kay L. Davies said…
Hi Ella. Love your response to the prompt, the iris as the bearded lady in a circus. Even though a circus is not my favorite place to be, I agree, the show must go on!
Mary said…
You used the words beautifully, Ella.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Oh how beautiful, all those images tripping down the page. Love your ever-changing banner, it is always a feast for the eyes and soul in here!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Transplanted to Moscow - how sad.
Kerry O'Connor said…
What a gorgeous combination of words and images. Feels like Spring in the middle of my Autumn!
Marian said…
how fun, Ella! love this post from start to finish. hey is that a forsythia branch up top in your banner? my favorite, i'm pining for them! not long now!
Ella said…
Marian-I saw them open yesterday and had to go snap a pic :D
Thank you so much...I will be by :D

Kerry-Thank you :D lol, today it feels like a November cool day-the wind is howling! Yes, spring is fickle, before she gives birth to her lovely blooms!

De Jackson said…
love those "painted smiles" especially, Ella. :)

Scarlet said…
Creative weaving of words Ella ~ Like that second one best, Iris The Bearded Lady ~

Cheers ~

Susie Clevenger said…
Such beautiful work...love your photographs. It seems to come so easy for you.
Cynthia said…
As usual, your words just seem to dance on the screen. =)
Ella said…
Thank you everyone!!! :D
I have to take my daughter to a Dr.'s appt...no school today!
I'll return and play catch up~
Happy Friday!
LLM Calling said…
I really enjoyed these
Ella said…
Hi Emma :D Thank you~ I'll be by!

Cynthia-:D You made me smile...I love the idea, my words dance ;D

Susie-You are so sweet-lovely thought, but not always the case!
Once in awhile ;D How about you?

Hi Grace-Yes, I thought the circus would provide many angles ;D Cheers to you~

Hi De ;D Thank you so much! I enjoyed the prompt-thanxs~

L.Diane-I was going to put German, but Moscow sounded intriguing, too ;D Yes, maybe he will be transplanted back.

Sherry-Thank you :D Yes, I love nature and the gorgeous yellow is so vibrant, right now in my neighborhood!

Ella said…
Hi Mary-Thank you! I tried to work my green thumb in this one ;D

Kay-A nature circus is fun to see ;D
Thank you-I found combining the two a bit challenging, till I started to remember my neighbor's Irises~

Yolanda Renée said…
lovely photos, lovely words, lovely thoughts of spring!

Almost, almost here!
Ella said…
Hi Yolanda! Thank you~ I love spring's gifts-my fav the cherry blossom confetti :D
Yes, it is getting closer, each day!
Yolanda Renée said…
I just awarded you the Sunshine award, so deserving! Have fun!