Sorry I am late!  I had a dream about the IWSG, last night.  We were partying in the rabbit hole, tea party and all. When the Mad Hatter announced he was one of us-a writer!  Well, a few people left immediately, but most of us gathered around him and asked him, "How did this happen?"

     He started singing its a Mad World by Tears for Fears and we all were touched. We clustered around him holding hands.  He was one of our own-we whispered n' sang, while nodding our heads in rhythm.  He was one of us, he got it.   Then our favorite Ninja showed up and played an amazing guitar riff!  We rocked till the damn rabbit flashed his time piece and chased us out of the place.  In the song it talks about running in circles-I guess the rabbit isn't the only one who does this.

    No one in their right mind would be a writer.  I read this somewhere, but I do believe it is true.  We need time alone to process our thoughts.  We linger in coffee shops, airports gathering glitter and glue to make our characters shine and stick in your head.  We want you to remember them, so if they decide they aren't moving out of our gray mattered garden-we can write a sequel or trilogy.

    I have an art challenge I need to finish- the deadline is looming. I wrote the cover letter already, but the art is not done. I use to make the art first.   I had downloaded a writing book called Write Away by Elizabeth George.   I needed a break, the internet was slow and maybe something would inspire an idea.

   The author states "Craft is the point."  She mentions three things cannot be taught:  art, passion and discipline, but the craft of writing can be. "Pure craft will, of course not make someone Shakespeare.  It won't make someone William Faulkner or Jane Austen."  Huh?!  She tells us how they can serve as our guides, but first we must learn the craft. I am reminded-I have a lot to learn.     Fear is falling into the rabbit hole without a map.  So, I am off to make one.   How about you?   Do you have a map, do you follow your intuition, do you think writing is sometimes a mad world?

 Be brave!  You are not alone~

Stop by and check out the Insecure Writer's Support Group founded by Alex Cavanaugh.  We share our insecurities and encouragement is always offered!   Check us out~

"Courage is fear that has said its prayers."
-Dorothy Bernard


Perhaps that's right. No one in their right mind would be a writer. Maybe that's why we can create whole other worlds. :)
Learn how to do it and then let those other three things take over.
I played a great guitar riff in your dream? That is just awesome!!
Ella said…
Rachel-Yes and we chase rabbits and drink lots of tea and twirl in the sunshine. ;D Your book sounds amazing-I am excited for you and the chance at a cover! ATB

Alex-Okay, I embellished a bit-tee,hee. If we ever do go live with IWSG-you must play-bring your band!
How fab would that be... Yes, the magic #3. Three wishes, The Three bears, three Stooges?! lol

L. Diane Wolfe said…
I guess that means all the talent in the world won't help if you still don't know what you are doing.

If you dreamed about Alex, what did he look like?
Bossy Betty said…
I love my writing mind! It's so entertaining and you are right about needing time to process our ideas.
Molly/Cece said…
Tears for Fears is one of my favorite bands. It just is. Anyway, love the dream. I totally have followed the White Rabbit. Like Frost said -- the road less taken, makes all the difference.
Ella said…
MollyMom-I love Robert Frost-so cool you quoted him! LoL yes, we need to follow our dreams~ Thank you!

Bossy Betty-Yes, and popcorn satisfies our creative muse ;D
Yes, those snow days were something!

L.Diane-I only saw fingers and a guitar. Actually he was dressed as a rabbit! lol Talent doesn't hurt, but discipline is the key.

Brian Miller said…
ha. hopefully the rabbit did not leave you too mad....writing is madness....though the passion/art/discipline is so true...i will say discipline is a big one we can control...and through it we do get better....
Rachna Chhabria said…
Wow, a dream about the IWSG and the amazing ninja playing guitar in your dream is super cool.
Suzanne Furness said…
I want to join your dream! Writing is tough and if you take it seriously it is definitely not for the faint hearted. Are we mad? Well maybe just a little but in a good way!
Misha Gerrick said…
There definitely is something insane about being a writer, but then, I can't imagine myself being anything else.
Johanna Garth said…
I wanted to join your dream at Tears for Fears!! You're right, no one would really want to choose being a writer, but then it's so wonderful and terrible. Completely worthy of a seat at the Mad Hatter's tea party!
Kay L. Davies said…
I'm sure I wouldn't have chosen to be a writer, but I started when I was six, and haven't had a choice in the matter ever since.
I did pay a lot of attention to, and therefore aced, my English Grammar lessons. I worked as a writer, a printer, a proofreader, and an editor. Nobody would have hired me as a waitress because I spill things and drop things and trip over my own feet.
Like my feet, it is fate, I guess.
But I would never have remembered a dream in such detail. Wonderful, Ella. I enjoyed it.
Luv, K
Elsie Amata said…
I agree. Passion can't be taught. It's something we have to have burning inside us before we begin writing.
Liza said…
I think writers may be the only ones in their right minds!
Carol Riggs said…
What an interesting dream! And hey, I hadn't heard that song for a long time, thanks. ;o) Good luck with all your goals and mapmaking! (Yes, writing is often a mad world.)
M Pax said…
It is a form of madness. Craft can be learned and improved, but we can't escape what is innately our voice. So, I think...
Cynthia said…
As writers, we stretch our minds to places most people would never consider. I don't think it makes us crazy. I prefer the words "creative" and "imaginative." =)

Sherry Blue Sky said…
I envy you being able to remember your dreams.......I can barely remember BEING AWAKE. Cackle.
TL said…
If writer's weren't a little insane, writing would drive us there. ;)
Anonymous said…
wait - I thought a whiskey bottle was the IWSG??

just kidding - I drink less than 2 beers or similar a week.

though I think the corollary is, only those not in their right mind, write. which sounds about right. ~
Unknown said…
Here from Alex's blog. Great post, Ella. I always tell people what I lack in intellect I make up for with tenacity.

After four and a half years of developing my story I FINALLY finished. Even if the work is never published, I've accomplished something. Keep at it, you'll get there.

BTW, love your blog. I'm now a follower.
Renee said…
Wonderful to read! Time for tea, I'm off.
Mary Ann Potter said…
Yes. We writers are wonderfully eccentric and truly believe that just about any inspiration works.
shelly said…
I follow where ever my characters take me.
Ella said…
Thank you everyone! I have been sick-sinus issues and hives. I will be by to visit and return your kindness! Thank you~
Arlee Bird said…
I always liked taking writing classes in college, but I often disagreed with the concept and thought having a class was kind of weird. Having stuff critiqued in the classes helped some and there were some good things taught to us, but I don't know that any of us were learning to be great writers.

A special Jackson post at my memoir site!
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Laura said…
I love writing for the release… I suppose the insecurity pops in when I consider putting it out in some "official" way, other than blogging… funny how just posting on my blog feels safe…