Second Time Around

©Izy Gruye


Love lingers in skeleton's shadows
among vapid amnesia 
dreams of miles 
where wings touch 
penumbra's fringe intersects
 wild green flames
glow as sea caresses 
Earth's brown shoulders
beads of  sweat glisten
 whispers of  blue sky's French kiss lingers
on proud majestic peaks
 sweet salt intersects 
 bridge opens
tide rises 
Moon's embryo
tugs your gravity
 ego's waves ripple 
 gently fall
as your breath surges 
indigo surf curves, cascades and falls
your grey eyes fluent 
in mooring possibilities. 

©Ellen Wilson

Kerry offered us a chance to Play it again-a second chance poem.  She shared three poetic prompts-which were previously shared.  I chose a photo prompt by Izy!  


Kerry O'Connor said…
So many great lines pop in this poem, Ella. I love the first two opening lines and the idea of the Moon's embryo tugging your gravity. Finally, the last two lines are the killer! What a finale!
Ella said…
Hi Kerry-Thank you so much! I have to be calm to write poetry. When my emotions are tugged-I write like a child. Thank you so much-I feel relieved I can write something worthy~
Fireblossom said…
Girl! We chose the same prompt and the same photograph! I, too, loved the moon line in your poem.
Anonymous said…
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Isadora Gruye said…
Wow....Ella. I am truly honored that my photograph took you to this place. Much like Kerry and Frieblossom who got to this one before me, I did love the embrionic moon. What I found most interest was your vivd pops of color, even more intrguing because this particular photo was taken at night and I washed in through a sepia filter (so there is a lack of color in the print). Well done and viva la
Ella said…
Izy-I love sepia photos! I wanted to project how love colors our world. How the simple ordinary elements become illuminated and brighter when love is discovered-it filters our view! I love your photo~
Thank you so much!!! I am now craving statues ;D

Fireblossom-No way! lol I will be by to see what you conjured up~
I always love the poetic stories and storms you share! Thank you~
Mary said…
I like this, Ella. Yes, indeed love lingers for a long, long time!
Arushi Ahuja said…
this spoke of such a beautiful past in such a forlorn place! your poetry brightened the sepia image!!
Brian Miller said…
ha. nice use of color and images in the fire and mountains...a little touch of nature....a touch of magic...and love lingering...

happy saturday ella
Hannah said…
SO sensual, Ella...sigh...beautiful work here...I love the small type sifted in to that short portion as well...the bridge section. You posted at exactly 11:11!! Love that!! ♥
Ella said…
Hannah-I thought of you, when I saw the time~ The magic of this-my Mom chants at 11:11 either my name or my daughter's. Thank you Hannah-that wasn't planned, but when I saw it I thought it kinda cool-so I left it!
You are sweet-thank you!

Brian-Happy weekend to YOU! Thank you-beyond the sepia there is always color lurking. Yes, love does inspire magic, a few fires and mountains ;D Thank you~

Arushi-Thank you so much! I look forward to your poem~ You are very kind- @>-------

Sherry Blue Sky said…
Oo, "your grey eyes fluent in mooring possibilities". Good one! This poem has some very beautiful imagery - loved it.
J Cosmo Newbery said…
Taken with the idea of ego's waves.
Sumana Roy said…
Ah...the everlasting love..."your grey eyes fluent / in mooring possibilities." the beautiful line and the title...
brudberg said…
The penumbra fingers - so much in tone with the photo .. And I see the progression into indigo as something quite lovely.
Tugs your gravity - nice!
I really love what you did here Ella - I love the imagery apparent throughout. Great job!
hedgewitch said…
I really love the descriptions in this, lush and visual, very immediate, with their own heat and tempo. Especially love the ending. Nicely done, Ella.
Marian said…
mooring possibilities... fantastic.
Susie Clevenger said…
'Love lingers in skeleton's shadows
among vapid amnesia" Just one of the beautiful lines I love in this poem. Absolutely gorgeous imagery throughout your poem...Fantastic piece!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
To say that was colorful would be an understatement.
Mary Ann Potter said…
Goodness gracious, Ellen - a lovely poetic masterpiece here!
Jim said…
Beautifully written, Ella. I liked the way you switched back and forth, nature and human, repeated. But then any line could apply to either.
Gail said…
Ah, you played it well!
Scarlet said…
Beautiful, I specially love this part:

as you breath surges
indigo surf curves, cascades and falls

Happy week to you Ella ~

Liza said…
I liked the grey eyes fluent...
Unknown said…
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Johanna Garth said…
I loved the imagery in Earth's brown shoulders. So perfect. It's going to stick in my mind for awhile!
Ella said…
Thank you everyone! I will be back to comment and visit~ I have a deadline, a headache and I spray painted myself Turquoise-an accident of course ;D!
wild green flames
glow as sea caresses
Earth's brown shoulders - that was nice
Ella said…
Hi Dezzy-I know you love green as much as I do! ;D
ali said…
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Misha Gerrick said…
I love the imagery you brought up. :-)
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Hey Ella, I think I lost my comment- but wanted to say that I agreed with Kerry especially--many lovely lines here--I liked the rippling of ego best--kmportant for love! Thanks! k.
Unknown said…
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Ali Jan said…
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Ella said…
Misha-Thank you so much! I hope you are doing well...I'll be by~