I never planned to stop blogging for this long. I had an art challenge to finish, a list my daughter and I plotted to conquer before she moved away to college.
I became sick and two visits to my Dr's office didn't give me any answers. I went to the ER and again-no help! I was in pain and needed something to get rid of the fire I felt burning in my lower abdomen. Thanks to the internet-I know, I know don't self diagnose-I found some relief, a few ways to lower the PH in my body. I gave up coffee, I drank green swamp juice, ate differently, drank water like a camel getting ready to embark on a long journey.(and I did-two of them.) In my zombie state of mind-I started to improve. I didn't sleep much during this ordeal. I heard the words: Cancer, may be related to Kidney stones, Autoimmune and go back to your PCM.
I am better and hopeful!! I am going to the Dr. next week.
Hubby n' I drove our daughter to her new home-college. When we returned my mother's sister-my favorite aunt had passed away. Two days later we were driving to Maine. We returned on Sunday in a fog-we have been over 2500 miles since August 15th. Last night, my daughter's boyfriend called me and had a plan in place. He was taking our daughter on a picnic and they were climbing a mountain to see the sunset. When they reached the summit, he was going to propose! It was odd since my mother gave me her wedding gown. The last time I had been home was for my cousin's wedding. Last night, I received the call-they are engaged! Daughter's boyfriend told his roommate and my daughter's roommate and they set the stage for a party! They were greeted with streamer, balloons, cookies and cheer! Today, my daughter found out she has been accepted into an Acapella group.
What a crazy ride August has been! I have missed all of you, missed writing and blogging!!!
I hope you are well and life is good for you~
WE are crossing the Belfast bridge-almost home!
I am not home until my feet reach the end of the timeworn wharf! Do you think I let this sign stop me?!
No way-no how!
sorry for your loss.
life can always be better and easier but then it wouldn't be 'life'.
have a wonderful and fulfilling day, mi amiga.
welcome back :-)
Congratulations to your daughter!
Keep your spirits hopeful.
SORRY to hear you weren't well. But I am glad to hear you are better...
August has just FLOWN by. Most of us have been on blogger breaks. I know I haven't blogged much myself this month.
If you get a chance, please drop my blog. I am helping Melissa Bradley (who has cancer) put together an anthology and we are looking for inspirational/funny stories about cancer. I hope you can join in the HOP and anthology.....
Good luck, and congratulations all the way around!
Your daughter sounds like she has found a good one. Mountaintop proposal is raising the game! (Pun intended. :)
Your daughter's happiness sounds just the right anecdote .. laughter and love with them ..
With many thoughts and here's to a healthier end of September and year ahead ... Hilary
Love the pears in the headbanner!