Do you meditate?
I do, but not in the traditional sense.
Walking has this meditative quality for me. I find I can process my thoughts differently, using nature as a backdrop. I always feel different, calmer when I use my third eye-my camera-lol to see the world differently. Being creative has this labyrinth-like feel. I spiral inward connecting memories, symbols and colors-to portray an idea or a memory.
I think of music sometimes being a way to get to another place in time. Meditation for me is an escape-a time out where my soul can connect with what makes me happy. Sometimes the scent of lavender or making tea will get me into a trance like state What works for you?!
A reflection in a puddle, as the rock god sun decides to reappear~
Music is my meditation time. It's when I connect most closely to God.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Evalina, This and that...
I will visit you and play catch up~ April has been an odd month so, far. Everyone at the doctor's office was talking about how weird the world has been since the eclipse.
EvalinaMaria-Oh, I love that stitching helps you, too, so peaceful and calm. Yes, silence is necessary-maybe this is why I am having trouble. I have a puppy. Maybe I will try again, when she naps~
Thanks for sharing!
Yolanda-Yes! I have to find my Zen-like vibe later in the day. My husband gets up at 3am. So, I can't beat him-but I can find ways throughout my day! Yes, nature walks are wonderful~ I hope you have a lovely weekend, too!
Sherry-Nature walks with children are great, too. They see the world-the ordinary with so, much joy~ I hope you get a nature walk, soon~ Thanks for sharing~
Sherry-Yes, gardening helps, too. I love planting herbs and pulling out the weeds. It is still so windy and cold here-I haven't dared to plant-yet. I, love this quote-too. I wish I had see a rainbow in that puddle~ ;D Thank you!
Alex-Music connects me to my father. He played guitar and I need to pick mine up again. He loved music and I can see how you would feel close to God-it is one of your gifts~ Thank-you, for sharing!
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