Imaginary Garden

I did a post about poetry and texting today over at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads. I would love to hear your input. Texting is becoming more and more part of our daily language. We see it in movies and television. I have seen it already cross over into books, what about you? How do you feel about this type of communication?  Do you like it, hate it?  I think it is here to stay, what about you?   My exercise is to write a poem, using some texting.  Check this out:


'Shll I cmpre thee 2 a smmrs dy

Tho art mre lvly + mre tmprte

Rgh wnds do shke da drlin bds of may

+ smmrs lese hath all 2 shrt a dte

smtmes 2 hot da i of hvn shnes

+ oftn s hs gld cmplxn dimmd

+ evry fair frm fair smtms dilclns

by chce r ntre's chngig corse untrmmd

Bt thy eternl smmr shll nt fde

nr lse pssessn of dat fair tho owst

Nr sll Dth brg tho wndr'st n his shde

whenin etrnl lnes 2 time tho grwst

so lng as mn cn brthe or i's cn c

so lng lvs dis + dis gvs lfe 2 thee'

I am combing two challenge in one, yeah wish me luck.  We had another prompt to write a poem based on a song, that has impact on us.  I chose this song, I saw Melanie on X-Factor sing it.The words ring true for me.  It was original done by Beyonce.   My family calls me artsy, crazy and turbo. I have so many nicknames, lol.

UTM my dream is a hobby
IYD I can't compete
Wasting my time
VIP is your wirld, not mine
I hid  CR8tive, my wirld
2MORO you will read my words, but not today
Crossroads are here
I found my voice
I don’t want to be pulled off path again
Detours hurt my <333
Circle me like crows, dark doorways of regret
CR8ing illuminates my soul
You act ZZZ when I talk
You are AWOL in my world
ADN I wait for you to wake
CY turbo d/c
1DR if you ever will


Kay L. Davies said…
Oh dear, I don't think the world is ready for poetry with texting language in it, but who knows? I've been wrong before.
Anyway, I tried. Had fun but didn't exactly succeed.
GR8 idea, tho.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
Ella said…
Thank you Kay for being a good sport ;D I don't like it, either!
I enjoyed it, different I agree but that's what makes it interesting/

Thanaks for you visit, I don't agree about loneliness being good for one now and again. I had a good day with my daughter and when I entered my apartment and closed the door,.....emptiness all around.
It's the same every day and has been for 13 years. I do go out everyday am not allowed pets where I live, all I have is the pc, a book or the tv. Perhaps some people like their own company now and again but I don't.

Have a good day.
Ella said…
Yvonne-I probably see it this way, because I still have an active house hold. When I am in your situation I will see it differently. I understand know better how you feel.
What about getting a betta fish and planning outings with friends, when family isn't available. Does your local library have any events, do you volunteer? I know volunteering opened my world wider. YOU are such a fun loving soul and need to be with people!xo
Unknown said…
I don't text so I'm afraid that reading this was hard for me. Sorry. :) I love your verses all the rest of the time, though.

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on blog. I appreciated them from the bottom of my heart. :)
Kerry O'Connor said…
It' all about communication, really. To me, texting is an efficient language for instant messages, and common emotions, but it breaks down when it comes to complex ideas and the emotional grey areas which we,as poets, like to explore. I think this was a worthwhile exercise, if it helped us realize texting has its place, but not in poetry.
Ella said…
Kerry-I so agree, but I thought since it is a form of communication it would be fun to explore. I prefer blended notes, words and senses. Well said Kerry~

Melissa-I am so glad things worked out for you and yours~ This doesn't fully express my thoughts, but was fun to experiment with~
anthony stemke said…
I detest texting. It's a phone; if you got something to say call me.