Think Tank Thursday

Poets United prompt #79 is unique.  I had a little something to do with this one. Funny, I could easily write my poems ahead, but I never do. I find a photo that I think could be interpreted in various ways. I post it, on the first Thursday of the month. Earlier, I scratched down some ideas, but had to run errands, pick up  my daughter from school. The house is now quiet and I'm attempting my prompt. I still didn't go in the direction that I first planned. I needed to let ideas stir and see what else might come into view.  Wanna know a secret?  I didn't take it on the beach. I took it on my deck table, not quite the look I wanted, but the light was good.  Did I fool you?  Probably not...

Life spirals in our daily rounds
tossed and turned memories churn
salty brine flows
treasures appear
parting gifts to linger in life's hands
in soul's watch
jewels sparkling in liquifying light
ribbons of cascading brilliance
open your eyes
to the chamber of one's own grace
Listen to the lullaby of life
there is still time...

Ordinary dust churns like ocean's sand
mine it like panned gold
 extract the deposits
 cradle your joy
 filter the gifts
of living another day
only those with soft eyes

* I wanted to add, but not in my poem. I also think the view on Earth, can be hell.


Anonymous said…
" your eyes to the chamber of one's own grace..."

"only those with soft eyes..."

Lovely poem, Ella! Enjoyed this greatly!

A belated Happy New Year to you and yours. Have a super voyage in 2012!
Ella said…
Thank you Bryce! Happy New Year to you n' yours! 2012 is going to rock~
Kerry O'Connor said…
Ordinary dust churns like ocean's sand
mine it like panned gold..

What a golden nugget of thought! I love your photography, Ellen. This pic is stunning.
Dorthe said…
So beautiful dear Ella-
-open ones eyes to find the beauty and heaven on earth-
but yoiu are right,- for some it can be hell, also-
I wish you a beautiful week-end, dear.
Daydreamertoo said…
Yes, we should find the beauty of each day or we have wasted it.
This is such a great reminder to appreciate the wonders of life.
Liza said…
Lovely...especially "the chambers of one's own grace"
Very beautiful, Ella. And the Earth was supposed to be Heaven...
Marianne said…
Gorgeous photo and gorgeous words! I love:
"jewels sparkling in liquifying light
ribbons of cascading brilliance"
I always try to find beauty in each day. "Listen to the lullaby of life" is wonderful!
rch said…
Hi Ella, I really enjoyed this, there are some great lines - keep panning for that gold, it sparkles here.
Jules said…
Ella I hope you are saving these for a book! And "ordinary dust," mine is more like a tidal wave. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
"Ordinary dust churns like ocean's sand"
nice image, Ella! :)
Mary said…
Beautiful poem. I like especially:

" Listen to the lullaby of life
there is still time... "

(We just have to make use of it!)
RJ Clarken said…
You write so lyrically! I think you could have put in the other line, which is honest, but not nearly so uplifting. Still, I'm glad you wrote this the way you did.
Unknown said…
This is my favorite of the prompt responses I've read thus far, Ella. The message is clear, yet lyrically shared. The flow is soothing, yet leading. A pleasure to read, this piece also appeals to the lit-crit in me.
S.E.Ingraham said…
"Listen to the lullaby of life" - what a treasure your poem is - a lullaby itself; I very much like it - wanted also to thank you for visiting my site and commenting - it's much appreciated.
Sandra Evertson said…
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to Come!
Sandra Evertson
Unknown said…
your words shock me constantly... they are always so new fresh and spot on.. I wish so much I could do it.. but I love that I can visit you and you do it... I love the snow pictures.
I want to do thursday think tank prompts where do i sign up??/
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Gorgeous image. You'd never know it wasn't taken at the beach.

A great reminder of the beauty that can be all around us, as well as the hellish views!!

Happy New Year,
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Your page is always a (new) feast for the eyes, every time I come in here. This poem is SO lovely....especially "open your eyes to the chamber of one's own grace" and "only those with soft eyes will see the view on earth is Heaven". Sigh. Absolute perfection.
Scarlett Clay said…
You have such a way with words.
'lullaby of life' is a phrase I particularly like in this poem....yep, the view can be both heaven and's hoping to more heavenly views this year!!

Carrie Van Horn said…
I love the way you see things Ella....your view is this!....and yes your unfortunately your added line at the end is all too true as well....Hope you have an awesome Monday! :-)
Graceful thoughts to wake up to this chilly morning.
anthony stemke said…
Beautiful imagery,the poem is inspiring.
Thank You.
Arlee Bird said…
I guess it's a matter of outlook.

Have you heard about the A to Z Video Challenge?
Blogging from A to Z
Unknown said…
Beautiful and elegant. We should all listen to the "lullaby of life." It's a tune that brings many joys if we only give a listen.
Ella said…
Thank you I will be back to comment!
Anonymous said…
So much beauty and truth to this poem. And it reads with a graceful,easy flow.
Ella said…
Hi Becky-Thank you for your gracious comment! I appreciate you stopping by :D

Melissa-Yes, but I fear many of us don't take the time! Thank you~

Lee-Yes,our views can change! Thanks for visiting me :D

Anthony-Thank you; I so will be by!
Your Lemon Pie looks like a slice of heaven ;D

Mary-Thank you; I hope you have warmer weather now... Ours is up n' down!

Carrie-Thank you; I will be by!
I am always inspired by your blogs~
Just beautiful! :D

Scarlett-Yes, wouldn't that be nice! Thank you for always finding a line you like best~

Sherry-Thank you! I wish we all could see a softer view~ I think it varies for all of us :D

Eileen-Happy New Year to you~
Yes, we all experience both sides of this coin~

L.Diane-Thank you ;D It is so nice of you to say so~ Happy New Year to you!
Ella said…
Lisa-Thank you! Click the Poets United link and then hit Home! Each Thursday is a different prompt~ You can still join in :D

Sandra-Thank you so much! Happy New Year to you n' yours~ I love your blog, so magical :D

S.E.-Thank you so much! I'll be by again :D

Kim-Wow, thank you so much~ I wrote it late and struggled. I so appreciate your kindness! @>----

Lightverse-Thank you! I know I thought about adding it, but I think it is best to leave it inspiring! :D

Mary-Thank you and you are so right! ;D

Kat-Thank you, so much! @>----

Dezzy-Thank you! It is amazing what treasures we find when we look! ;D

Jules-YOU are fun! I doubt that :D
Thank you! I need to start working on it~

rch-Thank you,you are kind! You, too :D
Ella said…
Marianne-I love that you do~ Thank you so much! :D

Alex-Yes, you are right ;D
Thank you~

Liza-Thank you so much!

Daydreamertoo-You are so right; we can't waste it~ Thank you!

Dorthe-Thank you; I hope you have been crafting again! I enjoy visiting you~ :D

Kerry-Thank you so much! I know I have missed a lot at the garden~
I'll hop over soon :E
Mary said…
So nice o revisit thisem again, Ella. Love the images you evoke as much as the first time around.
Kerry O'Connor said…
I remember this poem very well - and that picture is a stunner.
Teresa said…
Your picture is wonderful! I certainly like the direction you took with your poem.
Herotomost said…
Heaven and Hell, good and evil...just points on a line I think.... a line that probably circles back on itself eventually. Compassion and understanding helps grease that line. what a great poem and photo for a Monday evening. You rock.
Susie Clevenger said…
Beautiful photo...It is amazing how an image can inspire you to write or you write something and then the perfect image is found..
Susan said…
Thank you for re-posting this!
Scarlet said…
Such a lovely gem Ella ~

I think its a matter of perspective - heaven or hell can be here or in a place we want it to be.

Thanks for re-posting this ~